// NOTE: THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY REGENERATED, //DO NOT EDIT THIS HEADER, YOUR COMMENTS WILL BE LOST IF YOU DO // User options script // // Format: // Version [float] // Options description followed by // Options defaults // // Option description syntax: // // "cvar" { "Prompt" { type [ type info ] } { default } } // // type = // BOOL (a yes/no toggle) // STRING // NUMBER // LIST // // type info: // BOOL no type info // NUMBER min max range, use -1 -1 for no limits // STRING no type info // LIST delimited list of options value pairs // // // default depends on type // BOOL is "0" or "1" // NUMBER is "value" // STRING is "value" // LIST is "index", where index "0" is the first element of the list // Half-Life User Info Configuration Layout Script (stores last settings chosen, too) // File generated: Thu Oct 31 00:33:48 AM // // // Cvar - Setting VERSION 1.0 DESCRIPTION INFO_OPTIONS { "team" { "Your team name" { STRING } { "void" } SetInfo } "skin" { "Model skin (texture group)" { NUMBER 1.000000 127.000000 } { "0.000000" } SetInfo } "voice" { "Character voice name" { STRING } { "UTBossVoice" } SetInfo } "autovoice" { "Auto taunt" { LIST "Disable" "0" "Important" "1" "All" "2" } { "2.000000" } } "hud_switchonpickup" { "Switch to newly picked weapon" { BOOL } { "1" } } "hud_fastswitch" { "Fast switch if only 1 wpn in category" { BOOL } { "0" } } "hud_weaponselection_time" { "Weapon selector display time (def 5)" { NUMBER 1.000000 30.000000 } { "5.000000" } } "hud_drawhistory_time" { "Ammo history display time (def 3)" { NUMBER 1.000000 10.000000 } { "5.000000" } } "hud_saytext_time" { "Saytext display time (def 5.0)" { NUMBER 1.000000 10.000000 } { "8.000000" } } "hud_saytext_lines" { "Saytext lines (def 6)" { NUMBER 0.000000 32.000000 } { "8.000000" } } "hud_deathnotice_num" { "Number of death notices (def 6)" { NUMBER 0.000000 32.000000 } { "8.000000" } } "hud_deathnotice_time" { "Death notice display time (def 5.0)" { NUMBER 0.000000 60.000000 } { "6.000000" } } "hud_eventicontime" { "Event icons time (def 3, dis 0)" { NUMBER 0.000000 60.000000 } { "3.000000" } } "hud_deathnotice_echo" { "Show console death notice" { BOOL } { "1" } } "hud_grn" { "Main HUD color (byte R G B)" { STRING } { "159 159 255" } } "hud_useteamcolor" { "Use team color for HUD" { BOOL } { "0" } } "hud_useplayercolor" { "Use individual DM player colors" { BOOL } { "1" } } "hud_drawnumbers" { "Draw HUD numbers" { BOOL } { "1" } } "hud_drawstatusicons" { "Draw status icons" { BOOL } { "1" } } "cl_viewdistance" { "Effects max distance (def 2048)" { NUMBER 1.000000 8192.000000 } { "2048.000000" } } "mp_decals" { "Multiplayer decal limit (def 300)" { NUMBER 1.000000 2048.000000 } { "300.000000" } } "mp3player" { "to play soundtracks" { LIST "Use HL CD player" "0" "Use HL MP3 player" "1" "Use FMOD player" "2" } { "2.000000" } } "bgm_driver" { "Music player driver:" { LIST "Direct Sound (Windows)" "0" "Waveout (Windows)" "1" "A3D (Aureal cards only)" "2" "Open Sound System (OSS)" "3" "Elightment (ESD, Linux)" "4" "Alsa Sound System (Linux)" "5" } { "0.000000" } } "bgm_volume" { "Music volume (0-255)" { NUMBER 0.000000 255.000000 } { "255.000000" } } "bgm_playmaplist" { "Auto start map playlist" { BOOL } { "1" } } "bgm_playcustomlist" { "Always use custom playlist" { BOOL } { "0" } } "bgm_defplaylist" { "Custom playlist:" { STRING } { "default.xpl" } } "cl_download_ingame" { "Download resources (decals, etc.)" { BOOL } { "1" } } "cl_nopred" { "Client-side prediction" { BOOL } { "1" } } "cl_effects" { "Visual effects" { LIST "Minimal" "0" "Normal" "1" "Extra" "2" } { "2.000000" } } "cl_particles" { "Particle effects" { LIST "Minimal" "0" "Normal" "1" "Extra" "2" } { "2.000000" } } "cl_effects_dlight" { "Dynamic lights" { BOOL } { "1" } } "r_detailtextures" { "Detail textures (HL1111+)" { BOOL } { "1" } } "cl_tournamentfx" { "Tournament effects" { BOOL } { "1" } } "cl_announcer_voice" { "Announcer voice vol.(0-1)" { NUMBER 0.000000 1.000000 } { "1.000000" } } "cl_announcer_events" { "Announce events (combo, revenge, )" { BOOL } { "1" } } "cl_announcer_losecombo" { "Announce lose combos" { BOOL } { "1" } } "cl_pickup_voice" { "Item pickup voice" { BOOL } { "1" } } "cl_deathview" { "3rd person death view" { BOOL } { "1" } } "hud_weapon_priority" { "Weapons priority (start with best)" { STRING } { "26 24 25 9 10 22 23 8 17 18 16 4 20 7 6 11 5 3 2 12 15 21 14 13 19 1 29 30 27 28 31 0" } } "hud_weapon_slots" { "Weapons slots (1,2; 3,4,5; ...)" { STRING } { "1,19; 2,3,5; 4,7,6,20; 8,17,18,16; 9,10,22,23; 12,14,13,15,21; 24,25,26; 11,29,30,27,28,31;" } } }