// Text strings // $position X Y - from 0 to 1 to be screen resolution independent, -1 means center in each dimension // $effect // 0 - TEXTMSG_FX_FADE is fade in/fade out // 1 - TEXTMSG_FX_FLICKER is flickery credits ($color is the flash color) // 2 - TEXTMSG_FX_WRITEOUT is write out (training room) // -N - override message destination, the N is a HUD_PRINT index (probably does not work) // $color, $color2 R G B - 3-byte RGB colors // $fadein - message fade in time, per character in effect 2 // $fadeout - message fade out time // $holdtime - stay on the screen for this long // $fxtime - during this time color changes from $color2 to $color // All directives are read and stored incrementally, no need to write all parameters every time. // Note: even HL1121 can only display ANSI-encoded messages. // XDM3038: rarely used titles are at the bottom. // MAX_MESSAGES = 1000 //------------------------------ // Game rules titles //------------------------------ $position -1 -1 $color 255 255 255 $color2 31 31 191 $holdtime 4 $fadeout 1.5 GAMETITLE { XDM } GAMETITLE0 { Single } GAMETITLE1 { CoOperative } GAMETITLE2 { Deathmatch } GAMETITLE3 { Last Man Standing } GAMETITLE4 { Teamplay } GAMETITLE5 { Capture The Flag } GAMETITLE6 { Domination } GAMETITLE7 { Round TDM } //------------------------------ // Multiplayer game text //------------------------------ $position -1 0.5 $effect 1 $color 255 255 255 $color2 0 255 0 $fadein 0 $fadeout 1.0 $holdtime 3.0 $fxtime 0.25 GAME_START { The match has begun! } GAME_END { Game end } ROUND_START { >> ROUND %d START! << } ROUND_END { >> ROUND %d END << } // Tournament-style multiplayer score counter $position -1 0.85 $effect 1 $color 255 127 0 $color2 63 31 0 $fadein 0 $fadeout 1.0 $holdtime 1.0 $fxtime 1.0 AWARD0 { No kills } AWARD1 { Single kill } AWARD2 { Double kill! } $color 255 95 0 AWARD3 { Triple kill! } $color 255 79 0 AWARD4 { MULTI KILL! } $color 255 63 0 AWARD5 { MEGA KILL!! } $color 255 31 0 AWARD6 { U L T R A K I L L ! } $color 255 15 0 AWARD7 { G I G A K I L L !!! } $color 255 7 0 AWARD8 { ! I N S A N E K I L L ! } $color 255 3 0 AWARD9 { !! C R A Z Y K I L L !! } $color 255 0 0 $color2 127 63 0 AWARD10 { !!! M M M M O N S T E R K I L L !!! } AWARD11 { >>> M A S S D E S T R U C T I O N !! <<< } $color2 127 63 0 AWARD12 { \\\ B L O O D S Q U E E Z E R /// } $holdtime 2.5 AWARD13 { *** M I N C I N G M A C H I N E *** } AWARD14 { + + O V E R K I L L + + } AWARD15 { - K I L L A R I O U S ! - } AWARD16 { ~ K I L L I S S I M O ! ~ } AWARD17 { /// K I L L I M A N J A R O \\\ } AWARD18 { $ $ $ K I L L I O N A I R E $ $ $ } AWARD19 { / K I L L U M I N A T O R ! \ } AWARD20 { _ K I L L A G E R _ } AWARD21 { * K I N G O F T H E K I L L * } AWARD22 { # K I L L A N T R O P Y ! # } AWARD23 { -/- s K I L L f u l K I L L -/- } AWARD24 { #!%$$_counter is going to glitch } AWARD25 { COUNTe~@|$#N<<яяя–––ЏЏЏ4/#%@25 } AWARD26 { ^#$$@--Это либо металл, либо… Если металл, то крашеный, холодная поверхность…ОЭдїЭѓ } AWARD27 { ттт‹i`fЊ^%#))!+Это либо металл крашеный, либо может быть пластмасса.!к69uW^>ТC.@! } AWARD28 { +#__Цветной, там есть… яркий. Похоже… Может быть это игрушка?(#%¬¬mЫ/m/$ } AWARD29 { or2фбЦI)I$’Поверхность гладкая, но есть вот какие-то выступы… палец даже застревает."Iьь§§/III } AWARD30 { ѕАu}Yb±ЎЭbМожет быть это… какие-то насечки или это… или это буквы?‰®ќНІ‰ЅІЅ?/‰[ } AWARD31 { Y~с6ѕM“>Зw%ўbИли выступы просто? На игрушку похоже. Разноцветный металл или пластмасса. Крашеный металл. Вот всё. Стоп.[jjjjjЂ“№У•i } AWARD32 { . . . F I N A L K I L L . . . } // Combo notifications $position -1 0.6 $effect 1 $color 0 255 0 $color2 0 31 0 $fadein 0 $fadeout 1.0 $holdtime 3.0 $fxtime 1.0 COMBOBREAK_LOCAL { CCCCOMBO BREAKER!! } COMBO_LOCAL0 { No combo } COMBO_LOCAL1 { Killing spree! } COMBO_LOCAL2 { Rampage! } COMBO_LOCAL3 { Unstoppable! } COMBO_LOCAL4 { Dominating! } COMBO_LOCAL5 { Doglike! >:D } COMBO_LOCAL6 { Maniac! } COMBO_LOCAL7 { Unbelievable! } COMBO_LOCAL8 { Terminator! } COMBO_LOCAL9 { Destructor! } COMBO_LOCAL10 { Owner! } $position -1 0.62 $color 255 0 0 $color2 31 0 0 FIRSTSCORE_LOCAL { First blood! } FIRSTSCORE_OTHER { %s drew first blood! } $position -1 0.65 $effect 0 $color 63 63 255 $color2 0 0 0 TAKENLEAD_LOCAL { You've taken the lead! } TAKENLEAD_OTHER { %s takes the lead! } TAKENLEAD_TEAM { Team %s takes the lead! } $position -1 0.68 $color 255 63 0 $color2 31 7 0 REVENGE_LOCAL { REVENGE!! } REVENGE_OTHER { %s tasted sweet revenge on %s! } REVENGE_NEED { Can't hurt anyone until you get revenge! (on %s) } REVENGE_RESET { * %s died, revenge reset! * You can play now! } // Headshot is sent to the killer only //HEADSHOT_THISPLAYER? congratulations on getting a headshot //HEADSHOT_OTHER? %s shot %s in head $position -1 0.38 $color 255 127 31 $color2 31 15 0 HEADSHOT_LOCAL { HEADSHOT! } // DISTANTSHOT $position -1 0.44 $color 255 143 31 $color2 31 15 0 DISTANTSHOT_LOCAL { LONG SHOT! } $position -1 0.7 $effect 0 $color 63 63 255 $color2 0 0 0 $holdtime 3.5 COMBOBREAK_SELF { %s completed combo with a braincrushing suicide! } COMBOBREAK_OTHER { %s's precious combo was ended by %s! } COMBO_OTHER1 { %s is on killing spree! } COMBO_OTHER2 { %s is on rampage! } COMBO_OTHER3 { %s is unstoppable! } COMBO_OTHER4 { %s is dominating! } COMBO_OTHER5 { %s is now doglike >:D } COMBO_OTHER6 { %s is a maniac! } COMBO_OTHER7 { %s is unbelievable! } COMBO_OTHER8 { %s is a terminator! } COMBO_OTHER9 { %s is a destructor! } COMBO_OTHER10 { %s OWNS THE GAME! } // Base notifications $position -1 0.9 $effect 1 $color 255 255 0 $color2 127 127 63 $fadein 0.0 $fadeout 1.0 $holdtime 3.0 $fxtime 1.0 KILL_LOCAL { You killed %s! } SECRET_LOCAL { You have found a secret! %s } $position -1 0.92 $effect 1 $color 143 143 63 $color2 95 95 63 $holdtime 2.0 KILL_SELF { %s killed self } SECRET_OTHER { %s found a secret! %s } $position -1 0.92 $effect 1 $color 255 0 0 $color2 95 95 31 $holdtime 8.0 KILL_THISPLAYER { You were killed by %s (%s)! } SECRET_FAIL { Secret %s failed. } // Game mechanic text $position -1 0.94 $effect 0 $color 63 63 255 $color2 0 0 0 $holdtime 6.0 // These labels appear in saytext, so all effects are ignored CL_CHANGETEAM { %s is now on team '%s' } CL_SPEC_START { %s became a spectator } CL_SPEC_STOP { %s entered the game } CL_JOIN { %s has joined the server } CL_LEAVE { %s has left the game } CL_CHNAME { %s changed name to %s } CL_READY { %s is ready } CL_NOMODEL { Player model not found on server: %s } CL_NOVOICENAME { Voice name not found on server: %s } // This one is shown on the screen too $position -1 0.7 CL_OUT { %s is OUT! } // Console death notice text DEATHNOTICE_WORLD { * %s died } DEATHNOTICE_SELF { * %s killed self } DEATHNOTICE_ALLY { * %s killed ally %s } DEATHNOTICE_NORMAL { * %s killed %s } DEATHNOTICE_UNKNOWN { * %s died mysteriously } DEATHNOTICE_UNKNOWN_W { * %s caused %s's death } // spaces required! DEATHNOTICE_WITH { with } // Time left announcements $position -1 0.4 $effect 2 $color 63 63 191 $color2 191 191 255 $fadein 0.05 $fadeout 1.0 $holdtime 3.0 $fxtime 2.0 MP_TIMELEFT600 { 10 minutes remaining } MP_TIMELEFT300 { 5 minutes remaining } MP_TIMELEFT180 { 3 minutes remaining } MP_TIMELEFT60 { ONE MINUTE REMAINING } $fadein 0.04 MP_TIMELEFT30 { 30 SECONDS LEFT } $fadein 0.03 MP_TIMELEFT10 { 10 SECONDS LEFT! } MP_OVERTIME { OVERTIME! } // Score left announcements $position -1 0.3 $effect 2 $color 63 63 191 $color2 143 143 255 $fadein 0.05 $fadeout 1.0 $holdtime 3.0 $fxtime 2.0 MP_SCORELEFT { %d frags remaining } MP_SCORELEFT_PTS { %d points remaining } MP_SCORELEFT_MONS { %d monsters remaining } MP_SCORELEFT_TOUCH { %d players left to finish } // Winner announcements $position -1 0.95 $effect 1 $color 143 255 143 $color2 15 191 15 $fadein 0.2 $fadeout 3.0 $holdtime 60.0 $fxtime 2.0 MP_WIN_LP { Congratulations! YOU ARE THE WINNER! } $color 191 191 255 $color2 15 15 191 MP_WIN_PLAYER { %s is the winner! } MP_WIN_TEAM { Team %s wins! } MP_WIN_TEXT { %s wins the game } NOBODY { nobody } //MP_WIN_LT //{ //Congratulations! //YOUR TEAM WINS! //} MP_NEXTMAP { * Next map: %s } MP_NEXTMAPFAIL { * Finish was not reached Next map undefined! } SECRETSFOUND { * Found %s secrets of %s } EOLRETURNITEMS { * Returning all dropped weapons } //------------------------------ // Game rules-specific messages //------------------------------ // this message is displayed along with MP_WIN_PLAYER so move it up $position -1 0.85 $color 255 191 191 $color2 191 15 15 MP_LOST_LP { You have lost the match } MP_PL_FINISH_LOCAL { Congratulations! You have finished this game! } MP_PL_FINISH_OTHER { %s finished this game! } $position -1 0.75 $effect 1 $color 0 127 255 $color2 0 31 47 $fadeout 2.0 $holdtime 6.0 // DOM_ string must contain two '%s' symbols - 1st for control point name, 2nd for team name // color is ignored DOM_SETPOINT { Control point %s is now controlled by team %s! } DOM_ERROR_NOPOINTS { Error: this map has no control points! } // CTF_ strings must contain two '%s' symbols - 1st for player name, 2nd for team name CTF_RETURNED { %s returns the %s flag. } CTF_TAKEN { %s has the %s flag! } CTF_DROPPED { %s dropped the %s flag! } CTF_CAPTURED { %s captured the %s flag! } // special string: one '%s' for team name CTF_RET_SELF { The %s flag was returned. } CTF_ERROR_NOFLAGS { Error: this map has no flags! } COOP_TRIGGER_TOUCH { - Congratulations, end of level! - All players must touch it to complete this map. } COOP_SETNEXTMAP { /!\ ATTENTION! Next map will be: %s (%s) } COOP_BADNEXTMAP_BK { Transition to the previous map. All players must touch it to go back. } COOP_PL_FINISH_LOCAL { Congratulations! You have finished this level! } COOP_PL_FINISH_OTHER { %s finished this level! } LMS_INTRO_WAITING { Waiting for other players to join... } LMS_INTRO_WAITING_NUM { Waiting %d seconds for %d more players... } LMS_JOIN_LATE { You have connected too late, wait until end of this round. } ROUND_INTRO { Round %s } ROUND_INTRO_WAITING { Round %s Waiting for other players to join... } ROUND_JOIN_LATE { You have connected too late, wait until end of this round. } //------------------------------ // Intro text, inserted into MOTD //------------------------------ $effect 0 $holdtime 6.0 INTRO_DM { ---//// Deathmatch! ////--- Get more frags. } INTRO_TDM { ---//// Team Deathmatch! ////--- Get more frags. } INTRO_LMS { ---//// Last Man Standing! ////--- Stay the last one alive. } INTRO_CTF { ---//// Capture The Flag! ////--- Capture enemy flag and bring it to your base. } INTRO_DOM { ---//// Domination! ////--- Hold control points to gain score. } INTRO_AS { ---//// Assault! ////--- Assault the enemy base and defend your own. } // CoOperative game messages INTRO_COOP_MON { ---//// CoOperative monster hunting! ////--- Get more monsterfrags. } INTRO_COOP_LVL { ---//// CoOperative level playing! ////--- All players must reach the end of level. } INTRO_COOP_SWP { ---//// CoOperative monster sweeping! ////--- Clear this level off monsters. } //------------------------------ // Combo primary text //------------------------------ $position -1 0.68 $color 255 191 63 $effect 1 LOSECOMBO_THISPLAYER { TROLOLOLOLO-KILL! } $effect 0 $color2 0 0 0 LOSECOMBO_SELF { %s made yet another suicide attempt... } LOSECOMBO_OTHER { %s can't stop killing %s } // animate fffrustration effect $position -1 0.65 $effect 2 $fadein 0.02 $fadeout 0.8 $holdtime 3 $fxtime 0.1 $color 255 0 0 $color2 31 0 0 LOSECOMBO_LOCAL { FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUU- } //------------------------------ // Weapons //------------------------------ $position 0.8 0.9 $effect 0 $color 127 127 127 $color2 31 31 31 $fadein 0.0 $fadeout 0.5 $holdtime 2.0 $fxtime 0.0 // Grenade modes $color 127 191 127 GREN_MODE0 { Explosion grenade } $color 63 63 255 GREN_MODE1 { Freeze grenade } $color 31 255 0 GREN_MODE2 { Poison grenade } $color 255 191 63 GREN_MODE3 { Fire grenade } $color 255 255 31 GREN_MODE4 { Radioactive grenade } // Tripmine modes $color 255 191 63 TRIP_MODE0 { Explosion } $color 223 239 223 TRIP_MODE1 { Bolts } $color 247 239 223 TRIP_MODE2 { Bolts (exploding) } $color 239 239 239 TRIP_MODE3 { Grenades } $color 255 247 239 TRIP_MODE4 { Grenades (contact) } $color 31 255 0 TRIP_MODE5 { Acid } $color 127 191 127 TRIP_MODE5 { Attach grenade } // Other weapon messages $holdtime 4.0 $color 255 207 63 ATOMIC_NOAMMO { Atomic device requires a gluon gun, 100 uranium ammo 2 C4 charges } $color 255 127 0 ATOMIC_SET { Atomic Demolition Device planted. YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS! } MTARGET_DENIED { Airstrike target failed to communicate. } TRIPMINE_SKY { Mine cannot face sky } DISPLACER_TCANCEL { Target cancelled } WPNBOX_BREAKRETURN { Your weapon box was destroyed, weapons returned. } CONTAINER_REMAIN { Remaining in container: %s } LOOT_EMPTY { Empty } // HUD help messages HUD_HELP_NOTFOUND { Nothing found } HUD_HELP_NOCATEGORY { Please specify category } HUD_HELP_MUSICPLAYER { %s - show music player } HUD_HELP_COMMANDMENU { > Press %s to access main command menu } HUD_HELP_WEAPONSELECT { %s - select, %s - drop } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_CROWBAR { Melee weapon Keep enough distance from target to have a good swing, hold attack to swing, release to cancel. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_9MMHANDGUN { Glock Primaty attack is more accurate, secondary is faster. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_357 { Python Magnum Secondary mode toggles zooming. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_9MMAR { 9mm automatic rifle Primary attack: 9mm rounds. Secondary: contact grenades. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_CHEMGUN { Chemical weapon Primary atack makes projectiles explode, secondary is faster. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_CROSSBOW { Combat crossbow Hold secondary attack to zoom in, click again to reset zoom. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_SHOTGUN { Shotgun Primaty attack is more accurate, secondary is faster. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_RPG { RPG Primary attack fires or explodes guided rocket. Secondary attack toggles laser rocket guiding system. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_GAUSS { Gauss/tau cannon Primary attack uses fixed amount of ammo. Hold secondary attack to accumulate power. Don't let it overcharge. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_EGON { Gluon gun Secondary attack switches beam between wide (with spacial damage) and narrow (point damage) modes. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_HORNETGUN { Hornet gun Primary attack mode makes hornets fly towards possible targets. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_HANDGRENADE { Hand grenade Hold primary fire to decrease detonation time. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_TRIPMINE { Trip mine Primary attack mode uses beam to trigger exposion, in secondary mode mines detonate on proximity. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_SATCHEL { Radio-controlled explosive Place charges using secondary attack, detonate with primary attack command. Deactivate own charges by using them. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_SNARK { Unknown hostile lifeform Seconary attack mode drops full box of them. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_DLAUNCHER { Disk launcher Primary mode disks reflect from hard surfaces, secondary mode disks explode on contact. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_GLAUNCHER { Grenade launcher Primary mode: detonate on contact. Seconary mode: detonate by timer. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_ALAUNCHER { Acid liquid launcher Hold secondary attack to charge and produce larger load. Unstable liquid detonates after some time or upon contact. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_SWORD { Melee weapon Keep enough distance from target to have a good swing, hold attack to swing, release to cancel. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE { Sniper rifle Hold secondary attack to zoom in, click again to reset zoom. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_STRTARGET { Airstrike target beacon Place at point of desired airstrike target. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_PLASMA { Plasma gun Primary attack: plasma projectiles. Secondary attack: plasma beam. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_FLAME { Flamethrower Secondary attack enables torch mode which can be used for cutting thin metal. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_DISPLACER { Displacer While charging in primary mode, tracks target which will be followed by released projectile. Secondary mode projectile is slower, flies straight and hits all nearby targets with lightning bolts. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_BEAMRIFLE { Beam rifle Secondary attack charges fixed amount of energy for a more powerful beam that can pierce through many objects. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_BHG { Black hole generator Charges fixed or flexible amount of energy to fire a projectile that implodes into black hole. Charged energy amount affects detonation time and radius. } HUD_HELP_WEAPON_UNKNOWN { Unknown weapon Use at your own risk. } //------------------------------ // GUI text labels // (format is ignored) //------------------------------ $position -1 -1 $effect 2 $color 255 255 255 $color2 0 0 0 $fadein 0.1 $fadeout 1.0 $holdtime 5.0 $fxtime 1.0 Spec_Mode1 { Locked Chase-Camera } Spec_Mode2 { Free Chase-Camera } Spec_Mode3 { Free-Look } Spec_Mode4 { First Person } Spec_Mode5 { Free Map Overview } Spec_Mode6 { Chase Map Overview } Spec_Mode7 { Intermission } Spec_NoTarget { No valid targets } Spec_Help_Title { Spectator Mode } Spec_Help_Text { Use the following keys to change view styles: DUCK - enable spectator menu FIRE1/2 - chase next/previous player JUMP - change view modes USE - change inset window mode When spectator menu is active: O - options menu C - camera menu LEFT/RIGHT - previous/next player UP - players list In map overview mode: MOVELEFT/MOVERIGHT - move left/right FORWARD/BACK - zoom in/out MOUSE - rotate around map or target Important notes: You cannot swith from/to spectator mode if server does not allow to do so. It may also depend on game rules (e.g. LMS). } Spec_Slow_Motion { Slow Motion } Spec_Replay { Instant Replay } Spec_Auto { Auto } // HACK: CenterPrint() truncates strings! SPECCHANGENOTALLOWED { Switching from/to spectator is not allowed } SPECCHANGEFAILED { Unable to change spectator mode } SPECTARGETFAILED { Unable to change target } TEAMCHANGENOTALLOWED { Changing team is not allowed } // Multiplayer Scoreboard Spec_Map { Map } Spectators { Spectators } Observers { Observers } Unassigned { Unassigned } Team_Auto { Auto } Team_MustSelect { You must select a team } NAME { NAME } TEAMSCORE { TEAM SCORE } SCORE { SCORE } DEATHS { DEATHS } LATENCY { PING } VOICE { VOICE } TEAM { TEAM } SKILL { Skill } SKILL0 { Unknown } SKILL1 { Easy } SKILL2 { Normal } SKILL3 { Hard } // other menu text Menu_OK { OK } Menu_Cancel { CANCEL } Mic_Volume { Mic Volume } Speaker_Volume { Speaker Volume } Voice_Properties { Voice Properties } Voice_Enable { Enable voice } Map_DescNA { Map Description not available. } Player { player } Player_plural { players } say_team { (team) } Muted { You have muted %s. } Unmuted { You have unmuted %s. } NOINFO { no info } OBS_NONE { Camera Options } OBS_CHASE_LOCKED { Locked Chase-Cam } OBS_CHASE_FREE { Free Chase-Cam } OBS_ROAMING { Roaming } OBS_IN_EYE { First Person } OBS_MAP_FREE { Free Overview } OBS_MAP_CHASE { Chase-Cam Overview } SPECT_TOP { Spectator } SPECT_BOTTOM { Spectator mode } SPECT_OPTIONS { Options } CAM_OPTIONS { Camera Options } Spec_Duck { Press DUCK for Spectator Menu } Menu_Close { CLOSE } Menu_Spectate { Spectate } Title_TeamMenu { Select your team } Title_mapinfo { Map information } Title_MusicPlayer { Music player } TextSeparatorLine { ________________________________________ } Time_limit { Time limit } Score_limit { Score limit } Death_limit { Death limit } Stats_Title { Statistics } Show_Stats { Show statistics } changed_to { changed to } // 5 == ITEM_FLARE // FLARESLEFT ITEMSLEFT5 { Flares left: } // NOFLARES ITEMSLEFTNONE5 { No flares left } EntityEntryPanel_Title { Add entity to map } EntityEntryPanel_ClassName { Classname: } EntityEntryPanel_TargetName { Targetname: } EntityEntryPanel_Create { Create now } // Statusbar: more information on ally // %c0 - draw in color of player specified in parameter 0 (from server) // %i0 - print ID of player... // %n0 - print name of player... // %d1 - print decimal number specified in parameter 1 SB_AL { %c0%i0: (ALLY) %n0 %c0 Health: %d1 %c0 Armor: %d2 } // Statusbar: we only have name for any other player SB_EN { %c0%i0: %n0 } // Statusbar: monsters SB_MO { %i0: %n0 %c0 Health: %d1 %c0 Armor: %d2 } CHECKPOINT { ((( CHECK POINT %s! ))) } HIJACK { Hijack! } TRAIN_OCC { Train is occupied by %s } ERROR { Error occurred } CMD_UNKNOWN { Unknown command: %s } MSG_SENT_TO { ~ Message has been sent to %s. } MSG_NO_CLIENT { ! Can't find client! } MSG_NO_ENEMIES { ! Can't send message to enemy! } MSG_NO_SPECTATORS { ! Spectators can not talk to players! } MSG_TOO_OFTEN { ! You talk too often, wait. } TEAM_NOT_FOUND { ! Team '%s' not found } MSG_NO_VOICE { ! Choose a voice before using special $commands. } ROUND { Round } PL_NOSSTARTSPOT { ERROR: Start spot not found, blocked or wrong rules! } CMD_NOTALLOWED { %s is not allowed. } CMD_REQDEVMODE { %s requres developer mode. } CMD_PERM_DENIED { Permission denied for "%s". } CMD_CREATEPLAYERSTART_HELP { usage: %s [team# 0-all] [landmark ] [spawnflags] Types: 0 RANDOM, 1 START, 2 END, 3+ JUNCTION Spawnflag 2 allows start with no landmark. Landmarks found: %s } CMD_CREATEPLAYERSTART_NT { You must specify spot type (number) if you provide landmark name. See "%s --help". } CMD_CREATEPLAYERSTART_ERC { %s: error creating "%s"! } CMD_CREATEPLAYERSTART_DONE { + "%s" saved at: (%s), (%s) } CMD_GIVE_HELP { usage: %s } CMD_MAKE_HELP { usage: %s [number] Example: %s item_healthkit 3 } CMD_THROW_HELP { usage: %s } CMD_ENTSTOTAL { %s entities total } CMD_NOTHINGFOUND { nothing found } CMD_SEARCHENTS_HELP { usage: %s [action [options]] Example: %s classname func_door use 3 NOTE: use "searchtarget" to search by target! } CMD_SEARCTYPE_HELP { usage: %s [action [options]] Types: 0=ALL,PLAYER,MONSTER,HUMAN,GAMEGOAL,5=PROJECTILE,PLRWEAPON,PLRITEM,PICKUP,PUSHABLE,10=BREAKABLE,TRIGGER,OTHER } CMD_SEARCHTARGET_HELP { usage: %s [action [options]] Example: %s friendlygarg set netname test Checks if entity has specified target, works not only for pev->target. } CMD_SEARCHRADIUS_HELP { usage: %s [action [options]] Example: %s 128 hl show } CMD_SEARCHINDEX_HELP { usage: %s [action [options]] Example: %s 1 show box } CMD_SEARCHFORWARD_HELP { usage: %s [action [options]] Example: %s 1 info } CMD_PICKEDENT_HELP { usage: %s [action [options]] Example: %s info } CMD_GETCOORD { Your coordinates (origin, angles): %s } CMD_MYCOORDEDIT { Coordinates saved: %s %s } CMD_MYCOORDEDIT_E { Coordinates erased. } CMD_MYCOORDEDIT_HELP { usage: %s [angles x y z] or just "0" to erase. } CMD_SHOWCHAIN_HELP { usage: %s TIP: find entity index with "searchents" command. } //------------------------------ // Server flags description //------------------------------ Game_sv_flags { Server game flags: } // There are two bytes of flags = 16 GAMEFLAG0 { No shooting } GAMEFLAG1 { Allows 3rd person camera } GAMEFLAG2 { Allows spectators } GAMEFLAG3 { Allows to spectate everyone } GAMEFLAG4 { Allows minimap/overview } GAMEFLAG5 { Allows highlighting of players } GAMEFLAG6 { OVERDRIVE!!! } GAMEFLAG7 { Balance teams } //------------------------------ // Mouse Manipulation Mode //------------------------------ MMMODE1 { Mouse mode: Use(1) / Use(0) } MMMODE2 { Mouse mode: Pick / Move } MMMODE3 { Mouse mode: Create } MMMODE4 { Mouse mode: Measure / Remember } MMM_PICKED { * Picked entity } MMM_RELEASED { * Released entity } MMM_NOSELECTION { * Nothing is selected } MMM_NOTALLOWED { * %s[%s] not allowed } MMM_UNREACHABLE { * Unreachable location } MMM_ERROR_INSET { Disable all inset views! (minimap, overview, spectator, etc.) } CMD_MCREATE_BADNARGS { SV: create: bad number of arguments. } CMD_MCREATE_FAIL { SV: create: failed to create %s! } CMD_MCREATE_DONE { SV: create: added %s. } CMD_MMOVE_NOENT { SV: move: entity not found. } CMD_MMOVE_BADARGS { SV: move: bad arguments. } CMD_MMOVE_BADNARGS { SV: move: bad number of arguments. } CMD_MMOVE_DONE { SV: move: moved %s to (%s). } //------------------------------ // Player statistics //------------------------------ StatParamName0 { Score } StatParamName1 { Achievemens } StatParamName2 { Spawn times } StatParamName3 { Died times } StatParamName4 { Suicide times } StatParamName5 { First score } StatParamName6 { Last award } StatParamName7 { Best award } StatParamName8 { Current combo } StatParamName9 { Best combo } StatParamName10 { Combo breaks } StatParamName11 { Revenge count } StatParamName12 { Fails } StatParamName13 { Trolls } StatParamName14 { Players killed } StatParamName15 { Monsters killed } StatParamName16 { Friends killed } StatParamName17 { Headshots } StatParamName18 { Control point touch times (DOM) } StatParamName19 { Check points (CoOp) } StatParamName20 { Captured flags (CTF) } StatParamName21 { Returned flags (CTF) } StatParamName22 { Spectator mode enable times } StatParamName23 { Distant shots } StatParamName24 { Decals painted } StatParamName25 { Gibbed } StatParamName26 { Secrets found } StatParamName27 { Maps played } StatParamName28 { Maps finished } StatParamName29 { Bullets fired } StatParamName30 { Projectiles fired } StatParamName31 { Mines placed } StatParamName32 { Cockroaches squished } StatParamName33 { Mario jump kills } NPC_NOFOLLOW_PROVOKED { I'm not following you, you evil person! } // Important voice messages fixed meaning, when actual phrases may vary per character vo_positive { POSITIVE } vo_negative { NEGATIVE } vo_ack { ACK } vo_ackpos { IN POSITION } vo_ackcover { COVERING } vo_help { HELP } vo_flagtake { flag taken } vo_flagdrop { flag dropped } vo_flagcarrier { carrier spotted } vo_cpsecure { CP SECURE } vo_incoming { incoming } vo_attacked { attacked } vo_attackedbase { base attacked } vo_friendlyfire { friendly fire } vo_mandown { man down } vo_objcomplete { objective complete } vo_cmdattack { ATTACK } vo_cmddefend { DEFEND } vo_cmdfree { FREELANCE } vo_cmdcover { COVER } vo_cmdholdpos { HOLD POSITION } //------------------------------ // Botmatch titles //------------------------------ BOT_CMD_USE0 { %s is now free } BOT_CMD_USE1 { %s will follow you } BOT_CMD_USE2 { %s will hold position } BOT_CMD_BUSY { %s is following another player } BOT_CMD_NOTAFRIEND { %s is not a friend } //------------------------------ // In-Game messages //------------------------------ $position -1 0.65 $effect 0 $color 127 127 255 $color2 0 255 0 $fadein 0.01 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 2.0 $fadeout 0.5 GAMESAVED { Saving... } NODEGRAPHBUILDING { Node graph out of date. Rebuilding... (%s nodes) } //------------------------------ // Map titles //------------------------------ $position -1 0.8 $effect 2 $color 0 159 95 $color2 0 255 0 $fadein 0.01 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 4.0 $fadeout 1.5 // CoOp maps CO_ArcticIncident { - Arctic Incident - by XF-Alien XDM edition by Xawari } CO_ArcticIncident_secneed { Security keycard required } CO_ArcticIncident_secpick { Picked up security keycard } CO_ArcticIncident_trapinfo { It looks like a landslide. I must find some explosives and try to blow it up... } CO_ArcticIncident_explpick { Picked up explosives } CO_ArcticIncident_keyneed { A key is needed } CO_ArcticIncident_keypick { Picked up a key } CO_ArcticIncident00_CP1 { Entrance } CO_ArcticIncident00_CP2 { Locked room } CO_ArcticIncident00_CP3 { Corridor } CO_ArcticIncident00_CP4 { Hangar 16 } CO_ArcticIncident00_CP5 { Cave } CO_ArcticIncident01_CP1 { Cave } CO_ArcticIncident01_CP2 { Bridges } CO_ArcticIncident01_CP3 { Loading dock } CO_ArcticIncident02_CP1 { Broken bridge } CO_ArcticIncident02_CP2 { Pipes } CO_ArcticIncident02_CP3 { Trench } CO_ArcticIncident03_CP1 { Tunnels exit } CO_ArcticIncident03_CP2 { Exit } CO_ArcticIncident04_CP1 { Tunnel } CO_ArcticIncident04_CP2 { The base } CO_ArcticIncident04_CP3 { Exit tunnel } CO_ArcticIncident_endclear { Area must be cleared before takeoff! } CO_ArcticIncident_endtimer { } $holdtime 10.0 CO_ArcticIncident_endcredits1 { ARCTIC INCIDENT Original author: XF-Alien Second edition by: Xawari } CO_ArcticIncident_endcredits2 { Prefabs: Xawari, Flash, S@sH@ Che@tEr Music: Alex23 - Path of Borealis Rock Version Ars Sonor - No Way Back, The Cold Truth Auricular - Repressed Experience Cryosyncopy - Excess, Freezing, Obsession Daniel James Dolby - Hopelessness III Daniel Powell - Sepik (Frozen) Matsu:Gravas - Purify } CO_ArcticIncident_endcredits3 { Thanks for playing! } $holdtime 4.0 // CTF maps CTF_Columns { CTF Columns by Xawari } CTF_Face { Facing Worlds Original map created by Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino ported to HL by (unknown) ported to XDM by Xawari } CTF_GardenMaze { GardenMaze by Xawari } CTF_GardenMaze_secret { Shippo attack! } CTF_HumanAbsence { Human Absence by Rimrook ported to XDM by Xawari } CTF_InfernalVillage2 { Infernal Village 2 by Xawari, Skaarj } CTF_InnerSanctums { Inner Sanctums by DEAD [Dmitry K] ported to XDM by Xawari } CTF_ProjectX2 { Project X 2 by Xawari, Skaarj } // DM MAPS DM_000 { DM_000 Default deathmatch map } DM_AbandonedPlant { Abandoned Plant by Xawari, Skaarj } DM_Alpestrine { Alpestrine by Rimrook } DM_AncientBox { Ancient Box by hlife_hotdog } DM_Circular { Circular by Xawari } DM_Cliff2 { Cliff 2 extended version by Xawari, Skaarj } DM_Deck16-hl { Deck 16 (hl) Original map created by Elliot 'Myscha' Cannon ported to HL by (unknown) ported to XDM by Xawari } DM_Garden { Garden by Xawari } DM_Garden2 { Garden 2 (rainy) by Xawari } DM_Generator { The Generator by Xawari } DM_LostCity { The Lost city by Xawari } DM_Manticore { Manticore by Skaarj } DM_Minez { Minez by Xawari, Skaarj } DM_Morbias { Morbias Original map created by Elliot 'Myscha' Cannon ported to XDM by Xawari } DM_Odin { Odin's Guard by Andrew C. Weldon } DM_PoisonGarden { Poison Garden by Rimrook } DM_TempleOfChaos { Temple Of Chaos by Nicord, Xawari } DM_Tunnel { Tunnel by Xawari } DM_TurretFire { TurretFire by Xawari Just for fun } DM_Vault { The Vault by Xawari } DM_WarZone { War Zone by Xawari } // DOM MAPS DOM_000 { DM_000 Default domination map } DOM_000_CP1 { Control Point 1 } DOM_000_CP2 { Control Point 2 } DOM_000_CP3 { Control Point 3 } DOM_000_CP4 { Control Point 4 } DOM_AntiReality { Anti Reality by Hotdog and Xawari } DOM_AntiReality_CP1 { Bridge } DOM_AntiReality_CP2 { Castle } DOM_AntiReality_CP3 { Tower } DOM_DoubleMazeXL { Double Maze XL } DOM_DoubleMaze2_CP1 { Reservoir } DOM_DoubleMaze2_CP2 { Mid } DOM_DoubleMaze2_CP3 { Upper } DOM_DoubleMaze2_CP4 { Glass tube } DOM_DoubleMaze2_CP5 { Yard } DOM_DoubleMaze2_CP6 { Crates } DOM_DoubleMaze2_CP7 { Tube SW } DOM_DoubleMaze2_CP8 { Tube NE } DOM_ForestXL { Forest XL by Xawari } DOM_Forest_CP1 { South (road) } DOM_Forest_CP2 { Southwest (tree) } DOM_Forest_CP3 { Northeast } DOM_IceCave { Ice Cave By Xawari, prefabs by Skaarj } DOM_IceCave_CP1 { Central } DOM_IceCave_CP2 { Gate } DOM_IceCave_CP3 { Far } DOM_MorpheusXL { Morpheus XL by Xawari Original concept: Dave Ewing } DOM_Morpheus_CP1 { Building 01 } DOM_Morpheus_CP2 { Building 02 } DOM_Morpheus_CP3 { Helipad } DOM_SkyTown1 { Sky Town 1 by Xawari prefabs by Skaarj } DOM_SkyTown1_CP1 { Big house } DOM_SkyTown1_CP2 { Small house } DOM_SkyTown1_CP3 { Trees } DOM_SnowFields { Snow Fields by Xawari, Skaarj } DOM_SnowFields_CP1 { Stone chamber } DOM_SnowFields_CP2 { Bridge } DOM_SnowFields_CP3 { Statue } DOM_SnowFields2 { Snow Fields 2 by Xawari, Skaarj } DOM_SnowFields2_CP1 { Statue } DOM_SnowFields2_CP2 { Stone chamber } DOM_SnowFields2_CP3 { Lower } DOM_SunDen { Sun Den by Rimrook, Xawari } DOM_SunDen_CP1 { Bridge view } DOM_SunDen_CP2 { Valley view } DOM_SunDen_CP3 { Border wall } tst_fog { Random testing map of randomness } tst_monsters { MONSTERS TEST MAP Don't feed anything to anyone!! } //------------------------------ // Half-Life titles //------------------------------ $position 0.1 0.8 $effect 2 $color 127 127 127 $color2 0 63 191 $fadein 0.05 $fadeout 2.0 $holdtime 1.5 $fxtime 0.25 CR1 { Xawari } CR2 { and } CR3 { VALVe } CR4 { present } $color2 0 255 0 CR5 { XDM } CR6 { a Half-Life modification } CR7 { } CR8 { } CR9 { Time: 8.47 AM } CR10 { } CR11 { } CR12 { } CR13 { } CR14 { } CR15 { } CR16 { } CR17 { } CR18 { } CR19 { } $fadein 0.05 $fadeout 0.25 $holdtime 1.5 // c0a0b cave CR20 { } CR21 { } CR22 { } CR23 { } CR24 { } CR25 { } CR26 { } CR35 { } CR36 { } CR37 { } CR38 { } $position -1 -1 $holdtime 3 CR27 { Black Mesa Research Facility Black Mesa, New Mexico } $position -1 -1 $effect 0 $color 191 191 191 $color2 0 0 0 $fadein 0.5 $fadeout 0.5 $holdtime 4 VALVEIS { The XDM project created and maintained by Xawari Based on Half-Life by VALVe software. } END1 { VALVe is: Ted Backman TK Backman Kelly Bailey Yahn Bernier Ken Birdwell Steve Bond Dario Casali John Cook Greg Coomer Wes Cumberland John Guthrie Mona Lisa Guthrie Mike Harrington Monica Harrington Brett Johnson } END2 { Chuck Jones Marc Laidlaw Karen Laur Randy Lundeen Yatsze Mark Lisa Mennet Gabe Newell Dave Riller Aaron Stackpole Jay Stelly Harry Teasley Steve Theodore Bill Van Buren Robin Walker Douglas R. Wood } //$holdtime -1 END3 { Special thanks to: adamix (RIP), BUzer, Dmitry K, Ghoul[BB], hlife_hotdog, mittorn, Nicord, Nisstagm, Rimrook, Skaarj, XaeroX and other people who somehow helped in creation of this game! Epic MegaGames & Digital Extremes Rewolf, Firelight Multimedia The Wavelength } $position -1 -1 $effect 2 $color 207 207 207 $color2 0 255 0 $fadein 0.03125 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 2.5 $fadeout 1.25 CR28 { SUBJECT: Gordon Freeman Male, age 27 } CR29 { EDUCATION: Ph.D., MIT, Theoretical Physics } CR30 { POSITION: Research Associate } CR31 { ASSIGNMENT: Anomalous Materials Laboratory } CR32 { CLEARANCE: Level 3 } CR33 { ADMINISTRATIVE SPONSOR: Classified } CR34 { DISASTER RESPONSE PRIORITY: Discretionary } $color 191 191 191 $color2 255 207 0 $fadein 0.02 $holdtime 10 GAMEOVER { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: EVALUATION TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject failed to effectively utilize human assets in achievement of goal. } $color 191 191 191 $color2 0 255 0 TRAITOR { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: HIRED AWAITING ASSIGNMENT } $color 191 191 191 $color2 255 207 0 LOSER { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: OBSERVATION TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject declined offer of employment. } //------------------------------ // Chapter titles //------------------------------ $position -1 -1 $effect 2 $color 0 191 95 $color2 0 255 0 $fadein 0.01 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 3.5 $fadeout 1.5 T0A0TITLE { HAZARD COURSE } $position -1 0.65 C0A0TITLE { BLACK MESA INBOUND } // Shown at end of c0a0b OPENTITLE3 { BLACK MESA TRANSIT SYSTEM } // Shown at start of c0a0c OPENTITLE4 { BLACK MESA TRANSIT SYSTEM } C0A1TITLE { ANOMALOUS MATERIALS } C1A1TITLE { UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES } C1A2TITLE { OFFICE COMPLEX } C1A3TITLE { "WE'VE GOT HOSTILES" } C1A4TITLE { BLAST PIT } C2A1TITLE { POWER UP } C2A2TITLE { ON A RAIL } C2A3TITLE { APPREHENSION } C2A4TITLE1 { RESIDUE PROCESSING } C2A4TITLE2 { QUESTIONABLE ETHICS } C2A5TITLE { SURFACE TENSION } C3A1TITLE { "FORGET ABOUT FREEMAN!" } C3A2TITLE { LAMBDA CORE } C4A1TITLE { XEN } C4A1ATITLE { INTERLOPER } C4A1BTITLE { } C4A1CTITLE { } C4A1ETITLE { } C4A1FTITLE { } C4A2TITLE { GONARCH'S LAIR } C4A3TITLE { NIHILANTH } C5TITLE { THE CHOICE } XHL0A0TITLE { New Mexico Black Mesa Research Facility 8 days before scheduled experiment } XHL1A2TITLE { Class C portal carrier field generator } //------------------------------ // Hazard course titles //------------------------------ $effect 2 $fadein 0.03 $color 0 128 100 $color2 0 255 0 $fxtime 0.5 $holdtime 3.5 $position -1 0.3 HZBUTTON1 { PRESS YOUR USE KEY TO PUSH A BUTTON } $position -1 0.65 HZBUTTON2 { PRESS YOUR USE KEY TO PUSH A BUTTON } $holdtime 6.0 HZMOVE { MOVE FORWARD BY PRESSING FORWARD KEY MOVE BACKWARD BY PRESSING BACKWARD KEY MOVE LEFT BY PRESSING MOVELEFT MOVE RIGHT BY PRESSING MOVERIGHT } $holdtime 4.0 HZJUMP { PRESS FORWARD KEY TO RUN FORWARD PRESS JUMP KEY TO JUMP } $holdtime 6.0 HZDUCK { PRESS FORWARD KEY TO RUN FORWARD PRESS DUCK KEY TO DUCK PRESS FORWARD + DUCK KEYS TOGETHER TO MOVE IN STEALTH MODE } $holdtime 6.0 HZCOMBO { PRESS FORWARD KEY TO RUN FORWARD PRESS JUMP KEY TO JUMP PRESS DUCK KEY TO DUCK PRESS JUMP KEY TO JUMP } $holdtime 5.0 HZDUCKJUMP { PRESS FORWARD + JUMP TOGETHER, THEN THE DUCK KEY } HZLADDER { PRESS FORWARD KEY TO MOVE UP LADDERS PRESS BACKWARD KEY TO MOVE DOWN LADDERS } HZLJUMP { WHILE MOVING FORWARD, HOLD DOWN DUCK KEY THEN PRESS JUMP } $position -1 0.3 HZLMOD { BE SURE YOU PICKED UP THE LONG-JUMP MODULE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE OBSTACLE } $position -1 0.65 $holdtime 6.0 HZMEDKIT { USE MED-KITS BY HOLDING DOWN THE USE KEY HOLD DOWN USE KEY UNTIL HEALTH IS AT 100 OR KIT IS DEPLETED } HZMOMENT { ACTIVATE WHEELS AND DIALS BY HOLDING DOWN THE USE KEY HOLD USE KEY UNTIL BRIDGE IS IN POSITION } $holdtime 5.0 HZPUSH { PRESS FORWARD KEY TO MOVE AGAINST BOX KEEP PRESSING FORWARD TO PUSH BOX } HZPULL { PRESS USE + BACKWARD KEYS TOGETHER TO PULL BOX BACKWARD } $holdtime 4.0 HZCROWBAR { MOVE UP TO CROWBAR PRESS ATTACK1 KEY TO BREAK OBJECTS } $holdtime 3.0 HZLITEON { PRESS FLASHLIGHT KEY TO TURN FLASHLIGHT ON } $holdtime 3.0 HZLITEOFF { PRESS FLASHLIGHT KEY AGAIN TO TURN FLASHLIGHT OFF } $holdtime 3.0 HZWEAPON { MOVE UP TO WEAPON TO PICK IT UP } $holdtime 7.0 HZFIREWEAP { PRESS ATTACK1 KEY FOR PRIMARY ATTACK PRESS ATTACK2 KEY FOR ALTERNATE ATTACK PRESS RELOAD KEY TO RELOAD AT WILL } $holdtime 6.0 HZARMOR { PRESS AND HOLD YOUR USE KEY HOLD DOWN UNTIL SUIT ARMOR IS CHARGED OR CHARGER IS DEPLETED } $holdtime 7.0 HZSWIM { PRESS YOUR FORWARD KEY AIM WITH THE MOUSE AS YOU SWIM FIND AIR IF YOU BEGIN TO LOSE HEALTH WAIT IN THE AIR UNTIL HEALTH RETURNS TO FORMER LEVEL } HZDAMAGE { CERTAIN TYPES OF DAMAGE WILL REGISTER ON YOUR HEADS-UP DISPLAY. DIRECTION OF DAMAGE IS INDICATED BY RED FLASHES IN THE CENTER OF YOUR SCREEN } $holdtime 4.0 HZHAZARD { RADIATION HAZARDS ACTIVATE A GEIGER COUNTER } $holdtime 5.0 HZSCIENTIST { APPROACH SCIENTIST PRESS USE KEY TO RECEIVE HEALTH FROM SCIENTIST } $holdtime 6.0 HZBARNEY { APPROACH SECURITY GUARD PRESS YOUR USE KEY TO GET HIS HELP WALK TOWARD DOOR AND GUARD WILL ACTIVATE BUTTONS } $holdtime 6.0 HZTRAIN { PRESS USE KEY TO ENGAGE TRAIN PRESS FORWARD KEY TO ACCELERATE PRESS BACKWARD KEY TO DECELERATE PRESS USE KEY AGAIN TO DISENGAGE } $holdtime 4.0 HZDONE { CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE BLACK MESA HAZARD COURSE. } //------------------------------ // Hazardous Course fixed titles //------------------------------ $position 0.1 -1 $effect 2 $color 127 127 127 $color2 239 111 0 $fadein 0.03 $fxtime 0.25 $holdtime 5 $fadeout 1.5 // Bonus Level HC2_BOMB1 { Hey Gordon G-man planted a bomb somewhere here in the powerplant. He wired the bomb with a remote triggered timer. If you step in to this laser barrier, the timer will start. It last's you 60 seconds until the bomb explodes. Your only chance to defuse the bomb, is to walk through the lasers, then you have 60 seconds to find the bomb and disable it. Good luck! HINT: Everytime you load the map, the bomb will spawn on an new spot. } $holdtime 3 HC2_BOMB3 { Bad news, sir! This damn g-man planted another bomb, short time ago. We need you again for searching and defusing this bomb, Gordon! Good luck! HINT: Maybe you have to wait until the clock is ready again. } $holdtime 1 HC2_BOMB2 { Thanks for finding that bomb! We're still searching for this g-man. I hope, he won't plant another bomb until you're back. } // Secret Level 2 $holdtime 5 HC2_LOG1 { Log entry found: After several of the archeologists gone crazy while studying the foreign object we found in a exploratory tunnel, we sealed that damn thing, and hope nobody else will open it again. Sadly, the rails of the lorry train are therefore interrupted, and the train remains in its repair bay for an indefinite period of time. } HC2_LOG2 { Log entry found: This negligent mechanic left a maintenance cowling open on the secondary stone crusher. But he didn't even found the crowbar, that one of our own fools accidentally dropped into the driving mechanism. He said, it fell right to the bottom. Hopefully he's right, we can't afford to stop the whole equiptment again, and it's still running fine, so I don't expect it took damage. } HC2_LOG3 { Log entry found: The rift underneath the second stone crusher was sealed. But reportedly, they used the wrong concrete, and there are already new cracks, near where the conveyor leaves for the loading area. Maybe it's better to break it up again, because I miss my yellow keycard since then. And some other equiptment. Damn fools! } HC2_LOG4 { Log entry found: Thanks to this bloody bureaucrats of the safety office, now we have to store all our blasting means in separate places, spread all over the facility! Getting the dynamite from the explosives storage, the blasting cable from the maintenance office and the timer and key from the storage at the freight management offices will already take hours for a single blast. Hopefully, Jack has finished repairing the blasting machine. I don't like sensible equiptment like this near the main TBM. } HC2_LOG5 { Log entry found: Carter this idiot! He's in responsibility of the surface ventilation access. And now he's going for a hunt for this foreign object in the sealed exploratory tunnel. If he gets lost, carrying the only key for the ventilation access, we have to order a new key! Am I surrounded by idiots? } HC2_LOG6 { Log entry found: An other absolutley useless safety installation is this fence over the main melt pool in the factory. Besides it's useless, we can't even access the maintenance area below now. The firedoor controls at the freight management offices are broken, so in case that the firedoor is triggered somehow, we can't even open it without somebody crawling into the maintenace area to activate the override! } HC2_LOG7 { Log entry found: These fools drilled one of the exploratory tunnels near the TBM into the repair bay! That's another gift for the safety inspectors! We shut this tunnel with some planks. I hope it's sufficient for now. } HC2_LOG8 { Log entry found: } // Gameover $position -1 -1 $effect 2 $color 95 95 95 $color2 239 111 0 $fxtime 0.25 $fadeout 1.5 $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 GAMEOVER1 { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: COURSE TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject failed to effectively utilize human assets in achievement of goal. } GAMEOVER2 { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: COURSE TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject discretionary attacked and injured course personnel. } GAMEOVER3 { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: COURSE TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject let course personnel willfully die unattended. } GAMEOVER4 { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: COURSE TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject missed its only chance to complete the course. }