40 // Icons for all ammo types. Spaces in names must be replaced with "_". // All ammo definitions in weapon_*.txt are ignored. 357 320 320hud2 18 16 18 18 357 640 640hud7 24 72 24 24 9mm 320 320hud2 0 16 18 18 9mm 640 640hud7 0 72 24 24 agrenades 320 320hud2 0 88 16 16 agrenades 640 640hud7 144 96 24 24 ARgrenades 320 320hud2 36 16 18 18 ARgrenades 640 640hud7 48 72 24 24 bolts 320 320hud2 72 16 16 18 bolts 640 640hud7 96 72 24 24 buckshot 320 320hud2 54 16 18 18 buckshot 640 640hud7 72 72 24 24 fuel 320 320hud2 48 88 16 16 fuel 640 640hud7 72 96 24 24 grenades 320 320hud2 0 88 16 24 grenades 640 640hud7 144 72 24 24 Hand_Grenade 320 320hud2 36 34 18 18 Hand_Grenade 640 640hud7 48 96 24 24 Hornets 320 320hud2 16 36 18 18 Hornets 640 640hud7 24 96 24 24 lgrenades 320 320hud2 92 36 16 16 lgrenades 640 640hud7 144 72 24 24 lightp 320 320hud2 16 88 16 16 lightp 640 640hud7 168 96 24 24 rockets 320 320hud2 90 16 16 18 rockets 640 640hud7 120 72 24 24 Satchel_Charge 320 320hud2 108 36 16 16 Satchel_Charge 640 640hud7 96 96 24 24 Snarks 320 320hud2 96 88 16 16 Snarks 640 640hud7 168 72 24 24 strtarget 320 320hud2 80 88 16 16 strtarget 640 640hud7 192 96 24 24 Trip_Mine 320 320hud2 72 36 16 16 Trip_Mine 640 640hud7 120 96 24 24 uranium 320 320hud2 0 34 18 18 uranium 640 640hud7 0 96 24 24 blades 320 320hud2 108 16 18 18 blades 640 640hud7 192 72 24 24 sniper 320 320hud2 64 88 16 16 sniper 640 640hud7 216 72 24 24