// TEST SYSTEMS // Use for testing of your rendersystems on map test/tst_fog (button on the roof) // Open in wordpad and run game in windowed mode. ////////// We test all kinds of bad formatting here **/// // Displacer test /*CParticleSystem * - * - * { "iTraceFlags" "9" "iMaxParticles" "96" "fParticleScaleMin" "0.25""fParticleScaleMax" "0.5" "fParticleSpeedMin" "112" "fParticleSpeedMax" "128" "fParticleWeight" "0" "iStartType" 0 "iMovementType" 1 "fScale" "1.0" "fScaleDelta" "10" "fFrameRate" "20" "Color4b" "255 255 255 224" "ColorDelta4f" "0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.5" "fBounceFactor" 0 "fFriction" "0" "iRenderMode" 5 "iFlags" "4108"// 4+8+4096 "iFollowFlags" "64"// in reality 1 "szTexture" "sprites/iceball2.spr" "fLifeTime" "4" }* / this should not end the comment section test*/// this ends multiline comment and adds a single line comment // Gas explosion /**/CParticleSystem { "iTraceFlags" 1// this comment must be ignored by the parser "iMaxParticles" "160" "iEmitRate" "0" "fParticleScaleMin" "0.8" "fParticleScaleMax" "1.1" "fParticleSpeedMin" "128" "fParticleSpeedMax" "224" "fParticleWeight" "0" "iStartType" "0" "iMovementType" "1" "fScale" "0.1" "fScaleDelta" "80" "fFrameRate" "20" "Color4b" "255 231 223 127" // only in CPSCustom "ColorMax4b" "255 255 255 255" "ColorDelta4f" "0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.75" "fBounceFactor" "0" "fFriction" "0" "iRenderMode" "5" // 2+8+128+4096 "iFlags" "4234" "iFollowFlags" "64" "szTexture" "sprites/acid_drip.spr" } // Fireworks delayed(0.5) CParticleSystem { "iTraceFlags" "1" "iMaxParticles" "160" "iEmitRate" "0" "fParticleScaleMin" "0.8" "fParticleScaleMax" "1.1" "fParticleSpeedMin" "320" "fParticleSpeedMax" "320" "fParticleWeight" "0" "iStartType" "0" "iMovementType" "1" "fScale" "0.1" "fScaleDelta" "80" "fFrameRate" "20" "Color4b" "255 255 0 255" "ColorDelta4f" "-2.0 -1.0 3.0 -0.5" "fBounceFactor" "0" "fFriction" "0" "iRenderMode" "5" "iFlags" "4234"// 2+8+128+4096 "iFollowFlags" "64" "szTexture" "sprites/fireball.spr" } // Interesting effect delayed(1.5) CPSSpiralEffect { "iMaxParticles" "96" "fSizeX" "0.015625" "fSizeY" "0.015625" "fScale" "80" "fScaleDelta" "2" "Color4b" "0 0 255 255" "ColorDelta4f" "0.0 0.5 -0.5 -0.5" "fBounceFactor" "0" "fFriction" "0" "iRenderMode" "5" "iFlags" "4234"// 2+8+128+4096 "iFollowFlags" "64" "szTexture" "sprites/p_system.spr" } // Flame sprite test delayed(3.0) CRSSprite { "vOffset" "0 0 14" "fScale" "0.5" "fFrameRate" "20" "fFriction" "0" "fWeight" "0" "iRenderMode" "5" "iFlags" "4108"// 4+8+4096 "iFollowFlags" "16"// in reality 1 // 64+16 "szTexture" "sprites/xffloor.spr" "fLifeTime" "5.0" } // Candle test delayed(3.0) CParticleSystem { "iTraceFlags" "9" "iMaxParticles" "32" "fParticleScaleMin" "0.1" "fParticleScaleMax" "0.2" "fParticleSpeedMin" "24" "fParticleSpeedMax" "32" "fParticleWeight" "0" "fStartRadiusMin" "0" "fStartRadiusMax" "4" "vStartMins" "0 0 0" "vStartMaxs" "0 0 8" "iStartType" "3" "iMovementType" "0" "vDirection" "0 0 1" "vSpread" "0.25 0.25 0.25"// 20 degrees? "fScale" "0.25" "fScaleDelta" "-8" "fFrameRate" "20" "Color4b" "255 255 255 255" "ColorDelta4f" "0.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.25" "fBounceFactor" "0" "fFriction" "0" "iRenderMode" "5" "iFlags" "4108"// 4+8+4096 "iFollowFlags" "64"// in reality 1 "szTexture" "sprites/flamefire2sm.spr" "fLifeTime" "5.0" } // Smoke test delayed(6.0) CParticleSystem SmokeTest { "iTraceFlags" "1" "iMaxParticles" "16" "iEmitRate" "8" "fParticleScaleMin" "0.5" "fParticleScaleMax" "2.0" "fParticleSpeedMin" "320" "fParticleSpeedMax" "400" "fParticleWeight" "0" "fParticleCollisionSize" "16.0" "iStartType" "1" "iMovementType" "1" "fScaleDelta" "60" "fFrameRate" "8" "Color4b" "127 127 127 255" "ColorDelta4f" "0 0 0 -0.25" "fBounceFactor" "0" "fFriction" "0" "iRenderMode" "4" // SIMULTANEOUS + LOOPFRAMES "iFlags" "128" "iFollowFlags" "64" "szTexture" "sprites/zerosteam.spr" } CPSCustom CosmicBeam { "fParticleScaleMin" "0.125" "fParticleScaleMax" "0.5" // If defined (and no radius), particles start randomly inside this box relatively to host entity origin "vStartMins" "-128 0 0" "vStartMaxs" "128 128 320" // Velocity after reflection is multiplied by this value "fBounceFactor" "0" //"vSpread" "0 0 0" //"vAccelMin" "0 0 0" //"vAccelMax" "0 0 0" // Particle velocity.x = vDirection.x*RANDOM_FLOAT(fParticleSpeedMin, fParticleSpeedMax) + vSinVel.x*sin(t+i) + vCosVel.x*cos(t+i); "vSinVel" "12 0 6" "vCosVel" "0 12 6" // Particle acceleration.x += vSinAccel.x*sin(t+i) + vCosAccel.x*cos(t+i); //"vSinAccel" "0 64 -64" //"vCosAccel" "64 0 -64" "iTraceFlags" "9" "iMaxParticles" "1280" // Linear speed range "fParticleSpeedMin" "8.0" "fParticleSpeedMax" "64.0" "fParticleWeight" "0.0" "iStartType" "3"// PSSTARTTYPE_LINE, "iMovementType" "3"// PSMOVTYPE_RANDOM // For movement type 0 "vDirection" "1 1 1" // Overrides internal value. With (0,0,0) bounding box coordinates become absolute. //"vOrigin" "0 0 0" "fScale" "0.125" "fScaleDelta" "-0.5" "iFrame" "0" "fFrameRate" "20" "Color4b" "127 127 255 223" "ColorMax4b" "223 223 255 255" "ColorDelta4f" "0.25 0.25 0.25 -0.25" "iRenderMode" "5" "iFlags" "4232"// 8+128+4096 // CRenderSystem follow flags (sum of all desired flags), ICNF == "if cannot follow" "iFollowFlags" "64" "szTexture" "sprites/p_glow01s.spr" } CPSCustom CrazyCylinder { "vAngles" "-30 0 0" "fParticleScaleMin" "0.125" "fParticleScaleMax" "0.25" "vStartMins" "-64 -64 0"// Skewed by both axes "vStartMaxs" "64 64 256" "fStartRadiusMin" "32" "fStartRadiusMax" "64" // Linear speed range //"fParticleSpeedMin" "-64.0" //"fParticleSpeedMax" "64.0" "vSpread" "1 1 1" "iTraceFlags" 9 "iMaxParticles" "512"// 1536 "iStartType" "5" // PSSTARTTYPE_CYLINDER "iMovementType" "1" // PSMOVTYPE_OUTWARDS "fScale" "0.5" "ColorDelta4f" "0 0 0 -0.1" "iRenderMode" 5 "iFlags" "4232" // 8+128+4096 "iFollowFlags" "64" // CRenderSystem follow flags (sum of all desired flags), ICNF == "if cannot follow" "szTexture" "sprites/p_glow00.spr" } // This should fail to load \\ delayed(100) CNonExistentClass FAIL { "Really" "WTF" }