// Common snow system // To be used with brush emitter, SPR_ALPHTEST sprites and kRenderTransAlpha rendermode. CPSCustom Snow { fParticleScaleMin "0.03125" fParticleScaleMax "0.0625" // Spread vector (for directed movement) vSpread "0 0 0" // Particle velocity.x = vDirection.x*RANDOM_FLOAT(fParticleSpeedMin, fParticleSpeedMax) + vSinVel.x*sin(t+i) + vCosVel.x*cos(t+i); vSinVel "32 0 0" vCosVel "0 32 0" // Particle acceleration.x += vSinAccel.x*sin(t+i) + vCosAccel.x*cos(t+i); //"vSinAccel "4 0 0" //"vCosAccel "0 4 0" iParticleFlags "44" // 32+8+4 iTraceFlags "9"// fastest iMaxParticles "4096"// Max memory iEmitRate "0"// Emission rate, particles per second. "0" will make the system try to calculate it automatically (not always reliable). fParticleSpeedMin "80" fParticleSpeedMax "128" fParticleWeight "0.005" // Weight for physics, gravity fParticleCollisionSize "1.0" // Size (radius) of particle's collision volume iStartType "4"// PSSTARTTYPE_ENTITYBBOX, iMovementType "3"// PSMOVTYPE_RANDOM vDirection "0 0 -1"// For movement type 0 fScale "1.0" fScaleDelta "0.0" fFrameRate "20" Color4b "255 255 255 191" ColorMax4b "255 255 255 255" fBounceFactor "0" fFriction "0" fWeight "0.5" iRenderMode "4" iFxLevel "2"// System will be active and drawn if cl_particles >= iFxLevel iFlags "280"// 8+16+256 iFollowFlags "32"// RENDERSYSTEM_FFLAG_NOANGLES iFollowAttachment "65536" szTexture "sprites/p_snow1.spr" //"szTextureHitLiquid "sprites/rain_s.spr" //"szTextureHitSurface "sprites/p_snow2.spr" }