// Smoke clouds above lava CPSCustom LavaSmoke { "fParticleScaleMin" "0.5" "fParticleScaleMax" "3.0" // If defined (and no radius), particles start randomly inside this box relatively to host entity origin "vStartMins" "-512 -256 -64" "vStartMaxs" "256 256 32" "fBounceFactor" "0" //"vSpread" "0 0 0" // Spread vector (for directed movement) "vAccelMin" "0 0 2" "vAccelMax" "0 0 4" "iParticleFlags" "0" "iTraceFlags" "9" "iMaxParticles" "512" "fParticleSpeedMin" "20.0" "fParticleSpeedMax" "80.0" "fParticleWeight" "0.0" "iStartType" "2" // PSSTARTTYPE_BOX, "iMovementType" "1" // PSMOVTYPE_OUTWARDS,// explosion "vDirection" "0 0 1" // For movement type 0 "fFrameRate" "12" "Color4b" "255 255 255 95" "ColorMax4b" "255 255 255 191" "ColorDelta4f" "0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.125" "iRenderMode" "5" "iFlags" "4122" // 2+8+16+4096 "iFollowFlags" "64" // RENDERSYSTEM_FFLAG_DONTFOLLOW "iFollowAttachment" "65535" // Studio model attachment if host entity has it "szTexture" "sprites/ballsmoke.spr" // Sprite path relative to game mod directory in forward slash (URL/UNIX) format } /* TEST searchrs class CRSSprite del; searchrs class CRSModel del; */