// the func_conveyor itself is 256d 128h with origin at (0,0,-128) CPSCustom HealFieldParticles { "fParticleScaleMin" "0.1" "fParticleScaleMax" "0.25" // A 128R cylinder "fStartRadiusMin" "0" "fStartRadiusMax" "128" // Cylinder axis bottom and top points "vStartMins" "0 0 -64" "vStartMaxs" "0 0 -48" "fBounceFactor" "0" //"vSpread" "1 1 1"// Spread vector (for directed movement) //"vAccelMin" "-100 -100 0" //"vAccelMax" "100 100 0" // Particle velocity.x = vDirection.x*RANDOM_FLOAT(fParticleSpeedMin, fParticleSpeedMax) + vSinVel.x*sin(t+i) + vCosVel.x*cos(t+i); //"vSinVel" "0 2 -2" //"vCosVel" "2 0 0" // Particle acceleration.x += vSinAccel.x*sin(t+i) + vCosAccel.x*cos(t+i); //"vSinAccel" "0 10 -10" //"vCosAccel" "10 -10 0" "iParticleFlags" "0" "iTraceFlags" "9" "iMaxParticles" "128" "fParticleSpeedMin" "8" "fParticleSpeedMax" "64" "fParticleWeight" "0.0" "iStartType" "5"// PSSTARTTYPE_CYLINDER "iMovementType" "0"// PSMOVTYPE_DIRECTED = 0, "vDirection" "0 0 1" "fScale" "1.0" "iFrame" "0" "fFrameRate" "16" "Color4b" "0 191 0 63" "ColorMax4b" "31 255 31 191" "ColorDelta4f" "0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.2" "iRenderMode" "5" "iFlags" "524"// 4+8+512 "iFollowFlags" "32" "szTexture" "sprites/p_tracer.spr" }