Player models (Please do not publish any of these models separately) IT IS STRONGLY ADVISED TO USE MODELS WITH TEAM-COLORED TEXTURES! To use team colors on models, read tutorials about making DM_Base and Remap textures. To enable custom colors in customization menu, modelname.bmp must have palette based on same principles as DM_Base.bmp Skins (texture groups) do NOT signify team belonging and may be used freely. Model with mouth and mouth controller is a good model. All players currently share the same physical skeleton and hit boxes from models/player.mdl (this is what Half-Life does). Some model names start with 'X' to avoid name collisions and to signify that those are XDM stock models. XDM has LOD! Each bodygroup of a player model can have multiple detail levels - from lowest to highest. Compatible with old HL models with low- and hi-poly bodies. See /docs/levelofdetail.txt In the future game may read and display modelname.txt files, so don't name them "readme.txt" or use HTML, DOC or other fancy stuff. XDM introduces "modelname/character.txt" - a model character definition file. Currently supported parameters are: gender -- 0 - undefined, 1 - male, 2 - female voice "voicename" -- voice, associated with this model by default. Voice sounds for characters/bots shoud be stored in sound/voice/player//*.wav