Flag may belong to team1, team2 or nobody (anyone can take it). There are three methods of applying team properties to a flag, all are applied simultaneously: 1) body: 0 - non-team, 1 - team1, 2 - team2. 2) skin: 0 - non-team, 1 - team1, 2 - team2. (it is best to use special textures here, in which case actual image color not important) 3) colormap: server team color (RGB) will be applied to special textures: DM_Base, Remap*. - bottomcolor is shifted a little bit relatively to topcolor to make it look better. - two textures cannot have same special name, even if you trick model compiler or rename them directly. Note: redflag.mdl and blueflag.mdl are only for compatibility with some HL maps, they are not and SHOULD NOT be used! Default team colors: Green, Blue, Red, Yellow