Title : Sun Den BSP File name : DOM_SunDen.bsp Author : Rimrook, Xawari (remake) Game rules : DOM Compatibility : XDM Maximum players : 16 Comments: OK, this was a whole new experience for me. For once, on of my crazy ideas actaully worked and turned into something really, really pretty. I feel more laive with mapping now than ever, because i no longer map just places, but now i can map worlds. Version history (changes): 1.3 Fixed some lighting issues. Moved spawn spots to better locations. Removed some surplus items, added more weapons. This map is rendered unplayable but you can try anyway. It was simply a test for future use and installments. ~Rimmo This map was found in some old private archive and picked for XDM because of its beauty and high quality. It was modified to accommodate new features like env_static and func_detail. Also, architexture was optimized and some visual details were added. This map uses "ground mapping" texturing technique, which makes modifying coordinates a quite complicated task. Enjoy! - Xawari