MAP CYCLE / PLAYLIST The mapcycle.txt file (or whatever is configured in the "mapcyclefile" console var) contains list of maps of all game types for the server to run. Maps will be changed by the server in exact order. If server starts a map (using the "map" command) that is in the list, next map will be taken from there accordingly. Otherwise, list will be started from the beginning. The game can auto-select game rules (type) by prefix like DM_, CTF_, etc. Other mapcycle.* playlists are used when "mp_gamerules" is not set to auto (0). For exmaple, when mp_gamerules is 5, mapcycle.ctf will be used. IMPORTANT NOTES Please remember this - All map names are case-sensitive! "dm_000" is not "DM_000"! - No duplicates allowed! - No spaces after names are allowed! - Do not overload map cycle files - maximum size is 8192 bytes! Will cause "Host_Error: UserMsg: Not Present on Client %d" error. HINT: To save some space, use Linux/Unix LF ('\n') encoding without CR ('\r') symbol at the end of each line. Windows Notepad cannot read such files. Wordpad can read, but NOT WRITE! Try Visual Studio, Code::Blocks, other professional text editors or convert with dos2unix.