// Overview description file definitions. // Format is the same as HL, but supports multiple layers. // Layers go from lower to upper sorted by vertical (Z) axis // TIP: Generate images with dev_overview 1/2 // most values from dev_overview global { ZOOM value ORIGIN X Y Z ROTATED 0/1 INSET X Y Width Height// optional, minimap window parameters } layer { IMAGE "overviews/????.bmp" HEIGHT value//world height of the surface this layer represents } // There can be up to 6 layers layer { } ... // USEFUL TIP: // To capture clean images without items/weapons lying around use these commands: developer 1; sv_script_cmd_printoutput 0; searchtype 2 noecho del; searchtype 6 noecho del; searchtype 8 noecho del; searchrs class CPSCustom del; net_graph 0; hud_draw 0; hud_minimap 0; dev_overview 1 // UNDO: sv_script_cmd_printoutput 1; hud_draw 1; dev_overview 0 net_graph 1; hud_minimap 1;