NUMBER DESCRIPTION OPTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> Scripted Sequence events (server) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1000 Character dead at this point 1001 Sequence un-interruptible from this point 1002 Sequence interruptible from this point 1003 Fires a trigger in the map Trigger name 1004 Play WAV file WAV file path 1005 Play sentence Sentence name 1006 Do not send character back to floor at end of script 1007 Go to this animation after script completes Animation sequence name 1008 Play named .wav file through voice channel .Wav file path 1009 Play random sentence group (25 % chance) 1010 Character is alive at this point ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> Monster specific events (server) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2001 Monster drops light body 2002 Monster drops heavy body 2010 Monster plays swing or swish sound 2020 Monster has turned 180 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Events above 5000 are client-side and will not be executed on server >>> Clientside events ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5001 Muzzleflash on attachment 0 Muzzle flash sprite path 5002 Spark on attachment Scale 5004 Emit a sound WAV file path 5011 Muzzleflash on attachment 1 Muzzle flash sprite path 5021 Muzzleflash on attachment 2 Muzzle flash sprite path 5031 Muzzleflash on attachment 3 Muzzle flash sprite path ---- THIS IS THE MOST CUSTOMIZEABLE EVENT! ---- 5100 Custom muzzleflash " [flags]" Flags: 'r'-rotate sprite; 'l'-make light Example: { event 5100 3 "0 3 10" } { event 5100 5 "0 3 20 lr" } 6001 Eject a brass shell from attachment 7000 Ricochet Sound attachment 7001 Bullet Impact Particles attachment 7002 Blob Explosion attachment 7003 Rocket Flare attachment 7004 Large Funnel (normal) attachment 7005 Large Funnel (reversed) attachment 7006 Spark Shower attachment 7007 Flicker Particles attachment 7008 Teleport Splash attachment 7009 Particle Explosion attachment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER Monster specific (defined in monster's HandleAnimEvent() function) or shows error message in the console -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------