Changes/Additions: ------------------ Known bugs: > CL: muzzle flashes show in wrong locations because HL engine clears model attachments. > SV: GLOBALS! > SV: c0a0b: some of func_door_rotating "lockdoor" don't open in proper direction. A hack is needed to override that. Added: > CL: Player names on the score board can be clicked to show stats during intermission. > CL: hud_flag_teamnames - team names will be shown when flag names were not provided in CTF. > CL: hint to activate the command menu. > CL: text for CHudStatusIcons. > CL: character voice important phrase description (titles.txt) > CL: your last killer's TEAM ID sign (above head) blinks. > SV: "sv_hitinterruptshooting" cvar to control whether taking hits prevents player from shooting for some time. > SV: "mp_ctf_replaceflagmodel", "mp_dom_replacecpmodel" cvars so server admins may replace flag/cp models. > SV: "mp_lifelimit" specially for LMS so server admin won't have to change mp_fraglimit on every rule change. > SV: "globaladd/set/del" server command for developers. Helps debugging globals, especially in CoOp. > SV: info_dom_target now becomes touchable when it detects no possible activators (like triggers, buttons) and also has "force touchable" flag. > SV: game_text can now have "team" to send message only to specific team members. > SV: breakables take progressive damage from falling depending on their material properties and material of the surface. > SV: barnacles can catch fire from eating burning monsters. > SV: more entities support sv_showpointentities cvar. > SV: snarks can now be used :D > SV: RPG crosshair indicates laser state. > SV: satchels,mines,grenades,etc. inherit owner's color map (top/bottomcolor). > SV: safety measures to prevent running server with invalid number of clients (leads to memory corruption). > XBM: enemy occlusion detection. > DEV: drawing of CRSModel bounding boxes using r_rendersystem_debug 1. Changed: > Players without voice are allowed to say $commands. > Replaced looping bhg_charge.wav sound with pre-rendered to improve stability and performance. > materials.txt is now case-sensitive. Because it is tens to hundreds times faster. > CL: score/respawn counters text alignment. > CL: MAX_BUTTONS in all menus to 96. > SV: flare entity replaced with item_flare with "activated" flag. > SV: you can now drop all remaining snarks using secondary fire. > SV: mp_domscoreperiod renamed to mp_dom_scoreperiod. > SV: disallow zooming while reloading. > SV: important/quest items (weapons) are unpacked when weaponbox gets destroyed. > SV: completely replaced fireanddie with DelayedUse. Improved: > New icons, logos, backgrounds and textures. > Flag models. > Weapon models animaitons, smoothing groups, other improvements. > v_9mmhandgun.mdl v_sniperrifle.mdl polycount. > Moved radioactive grenade effects to client side, reduced traffic and precache usage. > CL: more informative score board. > CL: score/stats panel titles in singleplayer. > CL: better handling of minimap/overview data. > SV: detection of static monster_generics used by mappers for decorations. > SV: players now can push each other while on slippery surfaces and in water regardless of relationship settings. > SV: env_static/cycler now allows render parameters to be changed during the game. > SV: env_render now triggers entity update, allowing new entities to apply render effects. > SV: monster attack distance is now adjusted by its scale. > SV: AI: talking monsters may now be provoked by anyone, not just player. > SV: AI: more replacements for missing activities. > SV: reduced func_platrot memory and save data usage. > SV: more reliable node graph generation detection which allows some logical entities to start with less problems. > SV: monster no longer run away from strtarget if it fails. > SV: monster_barnacle proper event handling and common monster code. > SV: realtime AI debugging utilities (developer, ai_debug modes). > XBM: better logic to avoid getting stuck. > Reduced resource usage. Fixed: > roach.mdl eye position. > v_bhg.mdl required too much memory to be used in software mode. > added more fixes to HL maps (scripts). > CL: temporary entity FTENT_FADEOUT flag conflicts (HLBUG). > CL: player model infinite rotation by punch angles while paused. > CL: CParticleSystem spherical start velocity. > CL: CPSSparks particle size, rendering issues. > SV: game rules tried to select winner from non-active players in rare cases. > SV: spawn spot auto-selection before auto-replacement in CTF could produce wrong results. > SV: env_beam missing after save/restore. > SV: the DelayedUse and multisource problem. > SV: trains, path_corners and triggers were not always respecting activator. > SV: func_plat activation trigger wrong size in some cases. > SV: func_trackchange, func_platrot, func_plat, func_train, func_tracktrain. > SV: trigger_playerfreeze defaulted to player 1 in multiplayer. > SV: respawn time randomization when there are too few spawn spots on a map and players gets spawn-killed at start. > SV: CBaseEntity::DamageInteraction() bits. > SV: dropping of empty exhaustible weapons (grenades). > SV: weapon_rpg failed to guide last rocket (also changed reloading code of all weapons). > SV: Disintegration effect was changing transparent render modes. > SV: team-only spawn spots counting which prevented players from starting. > SV: multisource sources tracking problem. > SV: monster_mortar explosion effects scale. > SV: monster_human_grunt default voice pitch bad randomization. > SV: monster_tentacle attack sounds not precached. > SV: monster_headcrab touch bites even if monster have died during the leap. > SV: monster_gargantua, monster_ichthyosaur death freezes. > SV: monster_nihilanth produced pain sounds even after dying. > SV: monster_alien_grunt playing IdleSound() when dead. > SV: monster_alien_grunt armor hitboxes. > SV: trigger_auto no longer needs to create additional DelayedUse, this fixes lots of multisource problems. > SV: xen_plantlight wrong ignore classes (ignored players). > XBM: bots were unable to use team menu. Changed: > SV: monster_nihilanth now does not require USE_OFF to touch a trigger (resolves modern trigger_relay compatibility). Changes/Additions: ------------------ Added: > Character voices! See documentation in "sound/voice/player/*". Use by saying $phrase [varinat] [recipient name] (e.g. "say $taunt -1 Mr.Driller"). > Added more sentence variations. > Added auto-completion for many server commands. > DEV: lots of input and design sanity checks that can help mappers and mod makers detect mistakes earlier. > MAP: CO_ArcticIncident00 slippery roofs. > CL: HUD: added support for named flags in CTF. > CL: ability to search rendersystems by radius from view point. > SV: virtual AI sounds now follow entities allowing monster to track moving objects. > SV: env_explosion now havs target field. > SV: mp_adddefault now allows adding random N weapons when set to 4 or more. > SV: sv_spectatormaxspeed now controls maximum speed of observers. > SV: sv_specnoclip to control observers ability to fly through walls (spectators have to change mode if this changes online). > SV: sv_allowbunnyhop to allow mega bunny jumping. > SV: added hud_menu entity, but still only formally (UNDONE). > SV: material hardness property, affects landing damage. > SV: material friction modifiers, affects walking speed. > SV: "givearmor" cheat command. > SV: scripted_sentence "pitch" parameter. > SV: players now slide down slippery surfaces. > SV: screen shake (explosions, earthquakes) now affects weapon spread factor. > SV: plats and trains make noise that AI can hear (only if real sound is present). > SV: monster_human_assassin more fair and realistic step sounds, depend on running/walking and left/right foot. > SV: model event SCRIPT_EVENT_SENTENCE_RND1 (1009) not uses probability defined in its options as value 1..100. > SV: server now executes scripts/gamerules/.cfg on every map change for easier server administration. > SV: support for custom damage in many monsters code ("Damage1/2" kv), leave it 0 to use default skill-based values. > SV: mp_coop_transferdroppeditems to return all dropped items to their owners at the end of the map. > SV: sv_replaceentities to replace one type of entities (even unknown) with another (format: "old:new;old:new;..."). > SV: sv_nodegraphreport to explicitly enable/disable generation of .nrp files. Improved: > Updated the Command Menu. > CL: higher limits and better error handling when creating command menus. > CL: particle system code general logical optimizaitons. > CL: particle system now has separate weight for each particle. > CL: "too many particles" error hidden to dev level 3. > SV: map cycle code rewritten, much safer and more logical. > SV: xen_plantlight now reacts to damage. > SV: fair way of spawning players in LMS/RG by adding individual spawn delay and removing penalties in case of spawn-death. > SV: reduced number of s2c messages to only one event per explosion effect. > SV: node graph generation is a little faster. Fixed: > Picked weapons won't be auto-selected if player has satchel detonator active. > world3.wad/{grt02al texture seams. > glow04 ugly borders. > Bad sound names in some sentences. > MAP: CO_ArcticIncident minor architecture fixes. > MAP: CO_ArcticIncident "snow" texture conflict. > MAP: CO_ArcticIncident lots of other fixes along with improvements. > MAP: c2a5 func_water design errors fixed by new patch. > CL: fixed fullscreen spectator map drawn over players on maps with all architecture below 0. > CL: bugged engine's IsNoClipping() function replaced by own. Fixes wrong view drifting while noclipping. > CL: Some effects were not drawn parallel to surfaces as intended (SQB). > CL: Award name localization in statistics window. > CL: player view cone image on the minimap was displayed inverted. > CL: reduced memory usage for player statistics, g_PlayerStats is now also 0-based. > CL: VGUI windows not closing upon disconnection or other situations. > CL: MOTD text missing a new line character. > CL: weapon zoom crosshairs (non-fullscreen). > CL: wrong behavior of rendersystems with framerate 0 and frame != 0. > CL: crash when client is disconnecting while mouse seleciton mode is enabled. > CL: HUD messages with effect 1. > CL: added duplicate hud_timer checks to avoid accepting new timer while having another one active. > CL: glass, meat and concrete shards no longer jump like crazy. > CL: weapon selection activated during intermission or in spectator mode. > CL: weapon selection slipped to next slot after last weapon in current slot. > CL: TEMPENTITY overflow on studio model events when game is paused. > CL: weapons were not selected automatically after being picked up if player had previously no ammo for them. > CL: spectator inset window mode switching. > CL: weapon priority configuration parsing. > CL: CHudAmmo::InitWeaponSlots() now has more safety checks and also immediately fills weapon structures (fixes wrong weapon slots on first spawn). > CL: CPSCustom wrong PointContents checks. > CL: CParticleSystem now allows mixed flags of particles (normal, oriented, vertical). > CL: CParticleSystem sometimes did not display last sprite frame. > SV: monster_alien_controller generated enormous traffic. > SV: memory corruption if path_corner and path_track were mixed together in one path. > SV: Ammo, items, weapons were not respawning correctly when mp_defaultitems is empty. > SV: Important/quest items were removed when player was disintegrated, telefragged or disconnected. > SV: Weapon box counted weapons even if they were not unpacked to player. > SV: Ammo of exhaustible weapons was added while weapons were not. > SV: RPG rocket wrong angles and taret loss (SQB). > SV: "GetNextBestItem(%d) == WEAPON_NONE!" warning that was caused by bad weapon status on server. > SV: Entities no longer respawn after being deleted by action command. > SV: RPG could be put away while still guiding a rocket. > SV: fixed player getting stuck while standing on a headcrab. > SV: fixed SelBestItem message flood when player has all weapons empty. > SV: autoaim code now really works as it should and much faster. > SV: global entity restore failure. > SV: fixed engine stop when invalid sequence was specified for an entity. > SV: all rules entities (CRuleEntity) now have SF_NORESPAWN flag set by default. > SV: items created by world_items (legacy) had their spawnflags erased/replaced. > SV: trigger_teleport m_hLastTargetSpot fieldType. > SV: fixed black hole disintegrating same objects multiple times. > SV: fixed potential env_sound crash and significantly improved performance. > SV: func_friction on dm_jap_icetemple is visible again. > SV: turrets logic, positioning, minimum aiming angle, added workarounds for poorly placed entities and models with bad eye position. > SV: monsters were ignoring "gag" flag (HLBUG). > SV: entfile was integrated during load of a saved game. > SV: reduced save/restore buffer use by removing and compacting entity properties (breaks some old saves). > SV: amount of blood drips during gibbage is now related to gib count. > SV: razor blades now get stuck in entities with blood color. > SV: xen trees and other objects now behave more accurately and also have gunshots handled better. > SV: monster_tentacle now uses global hearing method and hears better. > SV: sv_zmax reset after returning to previous map. > SV: reduced weapon offset constants for monsters. > SV: optimized monster projectile calculation code. > SV: optimized monster_alien_controller math code. > SV: reduced monster_human_assassin step sounds and also fixed sound logic. > SV: monster_flyer_flock now accepts custom model, class and render parameters for its monster_flyers. TriggerCondition can also be used now, but it is only transferred to squad leader. > SV: trigger_cdaudio crash when pActivator is NULL. > SV: func_tank aiming problems (angles, distance). > SV: func_tank with non-solid flag set could not rotate. > SV: multisource flag (1) incompatibility with map c2a4e (used there by mistake?) > SV: human monsters considered bits_SOUND_MEAT and bits_SOUND_CARCASS food too. > SV: monster try to find cover from danger even when there are no nodes on the map. > SV: fixed dead monsters exploits with out-of-bounds array reads (design). > SV: added flood protection for various talk functions. > SV: AI: monsters now can open doors dynamically, regardless of nodes (waypoints). > SV: displacer doesn't require tracking of target until fire anymore. > SV: ammo_fueltank remained visible after detonaiton. > SV: barnacle code improved, added support to ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1. > SV: players disappeared without dropping items when dying last time in LMS. > SV: weaponbox collision size and logic. > SV: monster_apache did not disappear after final explosion when respawning was enabled. > SV: beam rifle decals (server sent coordinates too far from target wall). > SV: typo in plasma gun code. > SV: env_shooter/gibshooter accepted wrong values. Test case: Feculence_b6 > SV: division by zero error with bad func_breakables. Test case: c1a0c gbreak1 > SV: multi_manager that fires some entities that eventually delete the manager itself situation. Test case: c1a1 dethvmm > SV: .ENT files were not loaded properly and entities were missing. > SV: func_plat trigger volume was not set properly and some plats weren't working. > SV: status bar was showing dead monsters. > SV: ladder step sounds were not played because func_ladders were not sent to client playermove_t. > SV: fixed monster_apache constantly flying upwards without path. > SV: fixed printlevel in CMultiManager::ReportState() > SV: weaponbox lifetime now disabled only in COOP_MODE_LEVEL (where it's really important) to prevent overflow in other modes. > SV: Sound directories were in upper case for nihilanth sounds. > SV: User rights are now added to user info string and shown in "user" command. > SV: Added mp_mapcompat_setteamcolors. > SV: Improved OP4CTF compatibility, added rules autodetection. > SV: Added HLECTF compatibility and autodetection. > SV: Added CCTF compatibility. Requires mp_gamerules to be manually set to CTF. > SV: controller_energy_ball, controller_head_ball and nihilanth_energy_ball will not be respawning and use less resources. > SV: Weapon registry was not sent in time to players in LMS (server side). > SV: Train and func_trackchange/func_trackautochange were not interacting (c0a0d) > SV: func_tracktrain base class KeyValue() fixed. > SV: path_track and func_tracktrain now have custom ReportState() to be used with search|info commands. > SV: New func_button and func_door code with proper states allows doors to be used as masters. > SV: info_capture_obj now uses proper animaitons and more common code. > SV: Displacer and other weapons autoaim reset. > SV: cycler now uses CBaseAnimating code. > SV: CBaseAnimating now checks if bad render mode (kRenderGlow) was specified for a studio model. > SV: BOT: bots stop attacking friends immediately when used by players. > SV: BOT: minor security issues. > ALL: Fixed parsing functions to prevent overflows. > ALL: Fixed parsing of unquoted values followed by comment. > ALL: Fixed bug where empty files were not detected as existing. > ALL: General code optimization, clanup of error-prone constructions. > ALL: Less includes to speed up compilation and project load time. > ALL: COM_Parse did not work with multiline comments. > ALL: Error fixed: "ASSERT FAILED: i == 0 HSL2RGB: bad Hue specified!" because of wrong range normalization algorithm. > ALL: Vector class header (vector.h) made completely independent so it can be included by any external projects. > ALL: Improved stability in unexpected situations like disconnection. > ALL: Changed LoadFile() default behavior so it tries loading from base directory if mod directory fails (fixes missing map.txt in MOTD). > ALL: Less errors and warnings are displayed in the console. > ALL: Fixed some szFmt. Changed: > RPG primary attack now detonates currently guided missile. > Brought back the hivehand gun. > MAP: CO_ArcticIncident00 entry door no longer requires crouching. > DEV: light, ambient_generic, func_tank, func_charger (all chargers) can be masters now. > CL: IMPORTANT: changed (fixed) particle movement formula that requires fParticleWeight to be changed about -1000x! > SV: DEV: IMPORTANT: fields "attackdelay[1-2]" are renamed to proper "attackinterval[1-2]"! Because attack delay is a different thing (time from button press to actual shot/hit, ussed by melee weapons). > SV: IMPORTANT: save/restore data and methods were changed. Implies saved games incompatibility. Sorry. > SV: by default env_laser beams ignore glass (used by func_tanklaser) > SV: acid balls are now attached to players and monsters and inflict damage until explode. > SV: plasma balls can now be damaged by beams. > SV: checkpoints (trigger_autosave) are now allowed in coop "sweep" mode (mp_monstersrespawn 0). > SV: squeakbox is now pushable. > SV: tanks cannot be used while frozen. > SV: displacer now remembers target while charging in primary mode, to cancel target turn away and press ATTACK2. > SV: cycler is now just an alias for env_static. > SV: non-referenced weapons (e.g. dropped by monsters) are now droppable and packable un CoOp regardless of mp_dropdefault cvar. > SV: mp_dropdefault now only affects weapons dropped during death. Removed: > Removed shotgun silly double shot, now secondary attack is just faster and less accurate. > ALL: Removed all useless ducking prevention code that used pev->iuser3. Known bugs: > CL: IN_SCORE bit is now NOT sent to server to prevent some strange packet flood. > CL: if IN_ATTACK pressed while score panel is active, it continues after the panel is closed. > CL: non-vp_parallel sprites may be displayed (rotated) incorrectly in client-only mode. > CL: HL crashes when models/player.mdl has T-model (external textures). > SV: dropped weapon boxes or weapons that are spawned inside their owners continue to fall through the world. > SV: crash if gluon/other weapon beams are active during level change. > SV: func_trackchange is made non-solid to prevent glitches in multiplayer. > SV: client cannot see entities if trigger_camera is in different room (cut off by PVS). > HL: Stupid Quake Bug(tm) may still be affecting something. > HL: headcrab model has animation with ACT_MELEE_ATTACK2, but it has no "bite" event so "melee" attack is disabled in the code. > HL: level change may hang on some complex singleplayer mods like Hazardous-Course. The cause of this bug is still unknown. To be done: > Real flame. > CoOp spawn spots and description files for Half-Life maps. > Achievements (requires a player profile). Changes/Additions: ------------------ Added: > CL: Scripted Render System. Documentation in "/docs" and "/scripts/rendersystem". > CL: level of detail for player models, it changes every "r_lod_dist" units. > CL: statistics window now shows combo and award titles. > CL: at the end of a match you can view statistics of every player. > CL: letters as hotkeys in command menus. > CL: ability to temporarily change score panel title. > CL: close delay for message windows (yes, to make people actually read MOTD). > CL: GUI buttons now can play different action sounds depending on action result. > CL: button shortcuts in spectator menu (arrows, "o", "c"). > CL: bubbles to beam rifle explosion. > CL: custom "ammo" entity, to be used with "maps/mapname_ammotypes.txt" and "maps/mapname_hud_ammo.txt". > CL: notification when a player exits spectator mode and joins the game. > CL: ability to scroll text in VGUI windows using mouse wheel (sometimes loses focus though). > CL: v_inset_bounds controls size of the minimap/overview window, format: "X Y W H" in percents. > CL: studio model event 5005 "set skin" (used by some new viewmodels). > CL: new damage types and sprites. > CL: long jump module icon is now saved/restored properly. > CL: weapon p_ model changes body/skin along with the v_ model, IT MUST HAVE SAME NUMBER OF BODYGROUPS and texturegroups to work. > CL: .xpl default playlists for various multiplayer game rules. Loaded when everything else fails. > CL: fallback to TEMPENTS if RenderSystem is disabled for static architecture. > SV: user rights management ("modrights" command) - allows certain players to gain special rights like execution of developer commands. Rights: player, mod, admin, dev. > SV: ability for multiple developers to work simultaneously (most developer commands now work independently for different clients). For example, "mycoordedit" won't interfere with other client's coordinates. > SV: more virtual AI sounds, monsters react to them. > SV: certain skyboxes can block air strikes: add them to "scripts/sky_no_airstrike.txt" > SV: death sounds to scientists. > SV: env_shake can now have permanent effect (duration 0) and be toggled. > SV: hud_timer (point entity) which adds a large timer to players HUD. > SV: trigger_secret (point entity) which affects player's statistics. > SV: (map design) console entity actions as targets in ALL entities! (e.g. target == "#mymonster set renderamt 127" or "#mytarget rotate "0 90 0"") > SV: (map design) func_wall* now have targets. > SV: (map design) func_illusionary can now be toggled. Use effect EF_NODRAW as "start OFF" option. > SV: (map design) doors can have their "distance" changed dynamically. > SV: (map design) breakables can now have anything as "spawnobject". > SV: (map design) env_beam now have "target" field which is fired on every strike. > SV: (map design) monstermaker can now clone selected (with targetname) monster. Great for customization. > SV: (map design) support for KillTarget on path_* entities. > SV: (map design) support for custom materials using maps/mapname_materials.txt (overrides global materials). > SV: (map design) support for custom models on all weapons! > SV: (map design) support for custom sounds on func_trains, doors, buttons, mortar_fields. > SV: (map design) support for custom gib count, health, score and blood color for monsters. > SV: (map design) trigger_teleport supports multiple targets with the same name (helps preventing players from teleporting into each other). > SV: (map design) trigger_teleport can now be a point entity without model and be used only by name. > SV: (map design) custom env_projectiles can have size, different move types, > SV: (map design) detection of game rules based on internal map property "gameprefix" (does not override file name prefix). > SV: (map design) team start delays to the world (teamstartdelay1...4 keys). > SV: (map design) "airstrikepolicy" - allow or forbid use of airstrikes on this map (useful for xen maps). "black" and "xen" skynames disable airstrikes by default. > SV: (map design) custom capacity for batteries and medkits. > SV: (map design) ability to set custom models to items, monsters and many other things. > SV: (map design) check for all monsters to have proper body groups set. > SV: (map design) team restriciton to rules entities (like game_player_equip, game_zone_player, game_player_hurt, etc.). > SV: (map design) player_weaponstrip team restriction, "once" and "everyone" flags. > SV: (map design) support for studio models for all wall-mounted chargers (uses 2 skins, 2 sequences, 1 controller), just paste classname into editor. > SV: (map design) talking monsters can now have custom sentence prefixes (like "BA" or "SC"). > SV: (map design) bullet modes to weapon_custom (requires damage to be set). > SV: proper music track save/restore, including currently playing track or playlist. > SV: AI: headcrabs can bite when sitting on victim's head. > SV: material-based hit velocity adjustment for breakables. > SV: mp_pickuppolicy controls which dropped weapons can be picked up (0-all, 1-owned only, 2-owned by friends). > SV: sv_bullet_distance cvar for server administrators. Sniper rifle multiplies it by 2. > SV: sv_tau_velocity_mult cvar to tune weapon_gauss recoil velocity. > SV: class CLASS_HUMAN_MONSTER, used by zombies. > SV: talking monsters now comment on hearing suspicious sounds. > SV: game_score flag to award everyone. > SV: CoOp: ability to keep score across maps to make the competition even tougher (mp_coop_keep_score). > SV: CoOp: players now respawn in positions where trigger_autosave was activated for them last time. > SV: CoOp: after level change players spawn only at spots that match used landmark (it it was set by designer). > SV: revenge on monsters in CoOp. > SV: sk_osprey_health skill cvar. > SV: trigger_autosave visible and works in CoOp games. > SV: players now may change weapons while current weapon is holstered (even while on ladder). > SV: SF_ITEM_NOFALL (200) flag to all items so they are not dropped to the ground from the initial spawn spot. > SV: custom maximum armor in multiplayer. > SV: unlimited number of func_rotating sound presets (sound/fans/fan#.wav, fan#on.wav, fan#off.wav) + start/stop sounds. > SV: developer commands: searchents, searchradius, searchindex, searchforward (run without arguments for usage info). > SV: "set keyvalue" from whatever command now accepts entity pointer fields as entity indexes. > SV: mp_maxteams cvar to use in map_pre.cfg configs (resets to 0 on every level change). > SV: mp_playerstarthealth and mp_playerstartarmor cvars. > shake effect is reduced by 80% if travelling across liquid/air border. > XBM: -modsvdll command line parameter to specify mod server DLL name (available only if compiled with SVDLL_NEWFUNCTIONS) > env_static colormap (special textures) is set according to rendercolor. > New co-operative campaign - Arctic Incident. > ITEM_FLAG_IMPORTANT which prevents weapon from being lost... hopefully. > "Distant shot" event/stat. > (dev) Ability to place non-precached entities on maps by unchecking "create now" box. > plasma balls water hit effects. > weapon_sniperrifle - lots of people requested it. > weapon_disklauncher - shoots rotating razor blades that bounce off hard surfaces. > weapon_bhg - black hole generator, primary fire charges automatically half a clip, secondary may charge full clip. > Damage types: DMG_MICROWAVE - distorts HUD, DMGM_DISARM (mask) - prevents player/monsters from shooting. > Many more death notice sprites (tanks, doors, trains, turrets). > Ability to show ANY entity on the map. But no distinction yet (HL limitation). > New AudioTrack system which allows saving and restoring track position (works only for external player, not HL CD/MP3 player). > sk_dmg_mortar for monster_mortar on maps. Improved: > CL: added measure tool to Mouse Manipulation Modes. > CL: updated FMOD library to version 3.75, added Linux and x64 support. > CL: replaced old voice icons based on client entities with new simple 3D icons (faster, less memory, animated, auto render modes). > CL: replaced old displacer ball effect (engine particles) with new RS-based one. > CL: screen shake effects apply on all views including 3rd person camera and spectator. > CL: ammo sprites are loaded all at once reducing the overall loading time and improving stability. > CL: removed CHudTextMessage class (the message itself is handled in CHudMessage instead). > CL: tuned default weapon priority list (hud_weapon_priority). > CL: spectator panel rewritten (faster, static memory allocation, safer). > CL: GUI menu buttons are properly highlighted when used by keyboard shortcuts. > CL: new GUI window handling system (windows can now control order of appearance based on different factors). > CL: gravity is now applied to client objects too (also discovered another HL bug). > CL: software mode support (at least it doesn't display errors). > CL: env_static no longer precaches models on the server! > CL: removed large unnecesary memcpy() and duplicate data. > SV: Linux compatibility. > SV: multisource: added check for existence of user entities to avoid becoming disabled forever. > SV: AI: talking monsters. > SV: AI: monsters get angry at attacker like in oldschool games. > SV: AI: barnacles throw up gibs of last monster they've eaten, even if it had custom gib model. > SV: AI: barnacles eat corpses, projectiles and accumulate gibs according to the prey size. > SV: added more crash protection to engine callbacks. > SV: new powerful game rules autodetection system which uses mp_gamerules, mp_maprules, map name prefix and world key in described order. > SV: game_team_set completely rewritten and should work for everything including players. > SV: breakable sounds are now played as loud as hard it was hit. > SV: breakables can no longer obstruct spawn or teleport spots, they will break. > SV: virtual sounds (which monsters hear) are no longer overloading the server. > SV: player invalidation on connect/disconnect reduces "killed by #Y$*R@(^$T(@*^&G" (random string) and many many other errors. > SV: func_tracktrain looks for "target" instead of doing nothing when "lost path". > SV: displacer teleporter react to various projectiles (even nihilanth teleporters) more aggressively. > SV: reduced number of precached sprites thus allowing to place more models on maps. > SV: new string storage mechanism for classnames - prevents lots of possible engine crashes. > SV: player HUD is now hidden when trigger_camera is active. > SV: beamrifle no longer shoots through transparent metal breakables (advanved manual detection of glass). > SV: item/ammo/weapon fall-through-floor prevention mechanism (still no guarantees though). > XBM: major code cleanup. > XBM: bots now know which weapon fire mode is for shooting and which is not (switching, zooming, etc.). > Player no longer tries to jump out of the water like mad automatically without pressing the JUMP or MOVEUP buttons. > Increased limits to map-related string lengths (materials, overview names, etc.) > Merged static models for DM_Tropic maps to greatly improve performance and reduce memory usage. > DM_Odin and other maps overview. > On many maps spawn spots were moved higher in the air so players occasionally passing by won't be killed by spawning players. > Added more textures to materials.txt > Added new detail textures, reworked some old detail textures. > ls/sv_dir/svls commands are more secure and do not allow path redirection. > Some models now have "bright" textures (currently visible only in Xash3D). > Holstering weapon works even better than before, now mostly on client side. > Code is much more secure than before. Most potential buffer overflow errors are eliminated. > Many more compiler optimizations. > The game allows now really big time and score limit values. > Angle normalization routines. > Moved crossbow bolt hit code to client event. > Repainted pgflare2.spr to have more high definition look. > Many test/example maps were updated. > More sprites converted to vp_parallel_upright to look better in game. > More singleplayer mods were tested. > More multiplayer maps were tested (over 4000!). Fixed: > Stupid Quake Bug(tm). Enough said. Unfortunately, some of it left inside HL engine (example: player's pitch in 3rd person view). > Shared events like longjump and fall are now played properly (another HL bug). > ShouldCollide is no longer used due to HL engine bug. > CL: sensitivity did not change until restart. > CL: temporary entities disappeared and reappeared on complex maps. > CL: camera angle during intermission. > CL: MsgFunc_SelBestItem is now cached and works during respawn. > CL: potential buffer overflow when loading map description files. > CL: interception of +USE command in spectator UI prevented players from joining LMS. > CL: minimap/overview now shows default grid when no image available. > CL: bad time limit value in the MOTD window. > CL: bad window titles (MOTD, team menu). > CL: bad "chooseteam" window buttons in non-teamplay. > CL: ammo HUD: sometimes clip was displayed even if current weapon had none (like grenades). > CL: ammo HUD: fixed selector close timeout not reset while user is changing weapon buckets. > CL: lots of spectator UI bugs. > CL: crosshair stuck after deselecting a weapon. > CL: hud distortion effect persisted after changing map in multiplayer. > CL: HUD pickup images for weapons without ammo were not shown if picked up first. > CL: geiger counter persists no longer after map change. > CL: GUI menus wrong sounds and incorrect behavior. > CL: "game saved" and possibly other engine messages are working once again (length = 0). > CL: hud_centerid is now working for all lines, text can't go outside screen coordinates. > CL: buffer overrun error while parsing long map intro message (MessageDrawScan). > CL: no cancel button in team menu in non-team games and sometimes no auto button. > CL: kb keys do not work in team menu in spectator mode. > CL: crash during loading if game window wasn't focused (HL VGUI bug). > CL: maximum battery value was not updated correctly (caused indicator display bugs). > CL: some bullet/hit effects on the sky. > CL: g_pClientWeapons size mismatch. > CL: potential crash when someone takes revenge on a monster. > SV: possible crash when starting on a map inside trigger_hurt. > SV: AI: barnacle grab effect coud persist even after barnacle is killed. > SV: player no longer gets stuck in his own grenade when held for too long. > SV: rotating doors with "start open" flags couldn't be opened again (unsaved angles). > SV: weapon's target is now properly cleared after pickup to prevent re-firing after dropping and picking it up again. > SV: buggy HL MP3 player is overridden on server to prevent sudden chokes on map change. > SV: barnacles pulling eaten victims infinitely, causing them to go through the ceiling. > SV: non-solid func_buttons now work properly when SF_BUTTON_ONLYDIRECT flag is set. > SV: monster_alien_controller now falls according to world's gravity when killed. > SV: RPG laser dot was not removed when player dropped the weapon. > SV: headcrab/babycrab gibs count. > SV: possible crash with projectiles crossing level transitions. > SV: rare crash when a decal is placed during level change. > SV: sword made no decals. > SV: gauss alt-fire through breakables super damage bug. > SV: acid launcher stuck permanently with m_fireState = FIRE_ON. > SV: crash when player dies because of firing weapon. > SV: HUD damage save/restore. > SV: players dropped the only default weapon even if disallowed by game rules policy. > SV: garg stomp endless think code (thanks, valve! :-/ ) > SV: CTalkMonster non-virtual overrides (HLBUG). > SV: crash wneh monstermaker was used for non-monsters. > SV: map ban list now works with "\r\n" windows text files. > SV: respawned monsters no longer count as dead/inexistent. > SV: MP5 and weapon_custom m_flTimeWeaponIdle was calculated incorrectly. > SV: multi_managers and other antity target call stack growth (prevented normal funcitoning). > SV: double pushing of entities by RadiusDamage() and subsequent calls to TakeDamage(). > SV: targets were not activated if KillTarget was set to self (some mappers use this, c4a1). > SV: func_tank's first shot was accumulating while the target was lost, resulting in deadly multiple-bullet shot. > SV: tripmines now cannot be installed facing sky. > SV: tripmines did not explode when host surface is destroyed in radius mode. > SV: acid grenades won't stick to conveyors. > SV: monster_osprey engine smoke on wrong sides. > SV: dropped weapons/boxes are now removed by timeout even if they never touched the ground. > SV: if dropped weapon box is damaged and destroyed, its contents may be returned to its owner (set by server administrator). > SV: combo counter in statistics now shows real combos, not frags. > SV: game_team_master is now compatible with old zero-based "teamindex" (0 == TEAM1, 1== TEAM2, etc.). > SV: game_player_equip now precaches all listed items (fixes "Precache can only be done in spawn functions" error). > SV: monster_apache/osprey couldn't be unregistered in CoOp because it never called CBaseMonster::Killed() (HL). > SV: fixed game_team_master logic. > SV: GetBestPlayer in LMS. > SV: no GAME_STATE_WAITING in LMS. > SV: say_forward and say_private commands. > SV: HL: trigger_hurt firing targets after applying damage resulted in invalid pCaller. > SV: sudden sword and strike target malfunctions (pev->impulse conflicts). > SV: CSittingScientist crash when searching for someone to talk to. > SV: CSittingScientist is no longer pushable (by bullets, explosions). > SV: bad sound pitch which can crash HL engine is now detected and fixed. > SV: breakables weren't ignited in some cases. > SV: func_mortar_field missed key/value data (another valve bug). > SV: best weapon selection on respawn. > SV: players get proper score updates when awarded with negative values. > SV: RadiusDamage(): start inside solid! error for breakables. > SV: crash when beam start/end entities are destroyed. > SV: many monster temporary effects changed from MSG_BROADCAST to MSG_PVS where possible. > SV: trigger_auto changed to default USE_ON and allows only USE_ON or USE_TOGGLE, which fixes many mistakes on maps (like c5a1). > SV: breakables with "ceiling" material were not igniting by flame. > SV: beam rifle no longes shoots through breakables made of concrete or metal. > SV: train "occupied" after save/restore. > SV: monster gibs were missing sometimes. > SV: skyname is reset properly on level change so new map won't inherit skybox of a previous map. > SV: server now sends team info of players who leave the game so clients won't get wrong notifications. > SV: gluon gun sound is no longer interrupted by flashlight. > SV: player view height is wrong after using camera (HACK, the cause is unknown). > SV: beamrifle, grenade launcher and possibly some other weapons sometimes shot through thin walls. > SV: gluon beam direction was sometimes wrong. > SV: monster_human_grunt without bodies (test map: magnum). > SV: train activator was lost during save/restore process, also the HUD train control was missing. > SV: rewritten obsolete monster_flyer code that caused crashes on some maps. > SV: player score update was not sent over network if score was added added by game_score entity. > SV: team info_player_deathmatch in non-team DM were used improperly > SV: func_tankrocket direction upside down (SQB). > SV: player climbing ability is restored immediately after thawing (by fire, heat, etc.). > XBM: executing botmatch.cfg in singleplayer. > XBM: dev: fake client command now works properly. > XBM: it is no longer required to restart entire game to switch between single and multiplayer. > XBM: bots color randomization. > MDL: fixed hi-res flag model to have proper lightening. > MDL: fixed many environmental models like rocks to have better texture usage. > SV->CL WRITE/READ_ANGLE single-byte message no longer invalidates values. > monster ID not shown in statusbar. Changed: > CL: use just "commandmenu" instead of "+commandmenu" command. It is just better, and the input code is less laggy. > CL: scripts/voicemodel.txt is now obsolete, just use cl_voiceiconoffset cvar. > CL: EV_ZoomCrosshair no takes only one sprite which combines 4 frames of the crosshair + 2 side frames. > CL: HEV_WEAPONNAME sentences changed to W_WEAPONNAME to allow lengthy names. > SV: (map design) trigger_endsection now starts intermission in multiplayer games. > SV: (map design) env_funnel now uses "model" for setting custom sprite. > SV: (map design) game_counter now switches between 0 and maximum value if USE_TOGGLE is used and any of those two values supplied. > SV: (map design) "gag" flag disables monster's idle sounds. > SV: "say_private" command is now replaced by "sayto" which allows specifying recipient either by index (#3) or by name ("ThePlayer"). > SV: item/weapon respawn time "0" now means "don't respawn". > SV: there is now separate ar_grenade. > SV: gman is now a CTalkMonster. > SV: CHEAT: +USE no longer stops players when walking on ice (func_friction). > SV: players can no longer be killed by teleporting teammates, this prevents impossible revenge in mode 2. > SV: disintegrated players don't drop any weapons. > SV: black hole implosion effect pulls items and destroys them. > SV: func_tank is now CLASS_MACHINE by default. > SV: ALL entities now have relationship matrix. > SV: IsLockedByMaster() now takes pActivator in account in all places (for example, game_team_master). > SV: mp_noshooting no longer affects automatic (non-controllable) tanks. > SV: LMS rules now allow zero respawn limit. > SV: LMS game start conditions: server full and everyone is ready / jointime. > SV: "setkeyvalue" command now only operates on picked entity (mouse manipulation mode, MMM), use "searchforward" if needed. > SV: env_message sends messages to all players in CoOp > SV: game targets like "game_playerspawn" are now fired ONLY when mp_firetargets_player is > 0. > SV: beam rifle no longer shoots through glass, only gauss does. > SV: dead monsters can be gibbed by bullets too. > Capture objects/flags now use texture/body groups numbers equal to team IDs: 0-all, 1-team1, 2-team2, etc. > weapon_flame reverted back to the simple "gas lighter" mode because of countless HL limitations and invalid player angles transmission to clients. > Saytext does not have to start with '2' anymore! > Changed status bar format: now it is printed as it is in titles.txt. > Moved all CBasePlayerWeapon code to game_shared to be used by both server and client DLLs. > Moved lastinv and _sw commands from server to client side. Improves control response. Removed: > CL: removed v_idlescale (slow screen movement) because it caused too much traffic sent to server. > SV: commands: setkvbyindex, mycoordshow > Maps: DM_Cliff, DM_Columns, DOM_Forest. > p/v_satchel_radio.mdl is no longer used by weapon_satchel, but left there for compatibility. > AmmoPickup sv->cl message, client now tracks ammo changes in inventory. > WeapPickup sv->cl message, client now tracks addition of weapons via weapon_data_t. > In-model reload sounds (9mmar, 9mmhandgun) in favor of normal reload sounds hearable by everyone. Known bugs: > CL: IN_SCORE bit is now NOT sent to server to prevent some strange packet flood. > CL: if IN_ATTACK pressed while score panel is active, it continues after the panel is closed. > CL: non-vp_parallel sprites may be displayed (rotated) incorrectly in client-only mode. > CL: HL crashes when models/player.mdl has T-model (external textures). > SV: dropped weapon boxes or weapons that are spawned inside their owners continue to fall through the world. > SV: crash if gluon/other weapon beams are active during level change. > SV: turrets. > SV: client cannot see entities if trigger_camera is in different room (cut off by PVS). > XBM: Stupid Quake Bug(tm) may still be affecting something. > HL: headcrab model has animation with ACT_MELEE_ATTACK2, but it has no "bite" event so "melee" attack is disabled in the code. > HL: level change may hang on some complex singleplayer mods like Hazardous-Course. The cause of this bug is still unknown. Undone: > CoOp spawn spots and description files for Half-Life maps. > Achievements (requires a player profile). Changes/Additions: ------------------ Added: > Player statistics (wins, fails, etc.) can be saved locally at the end of match (cl_log_stats > 0). Look in XDM/logs/*.txt > Basic player statistics GUI is available at the end of match. > Customizable weapon priority!! Use hud_weapon_priority cvar to store weapon IDs in order of preference (most desired go first). > Ammo types are now defined externally by scripts/ammotypes.txt and sprites/hud_ammo.txt. You can control amounts of ammo players may carry! > Headshots! (last hitgroup - armshots/legshots are also possible, theoretically). > HEV suit HUD gets damaged by some types of damage like fire, radiation and shock. Battery restores it. > Weapon selection menu hides automatically, use hud_weaponselection_time to tune. > Team selection menu that finally works as players expect it to. > Normal plasma gun. People really wanted it. > Ignited objects continue to burn for some time (depends on amount of damage taken). > Player body drop sounds (both alive and dead). > New spectator inset mode: free look. > Entity: func_ammocharge - wall-mounted ammo charger (like health/armor chargers). > Entity: hud_icon - displays HUD icon. > SV: monstermaker now allows mapper to override some monster's values like model, class, render fields, etc. > SV: World global gravity is applied to ALL entities (even gibs and grenades). > SV: Advanced projectile collisions: almost all projectiles may be shot down with other projectiles. :) > SV: mp_noweapons - disables all weapons on the map. > SV: Dynamic shooting accuracy (mp5, glock) in medium/hard skill levels, which depends on player movement. > SV: In multiplayer, maximum player health can be tuned with sv_playermaxhealth. > SV: Status text shows your killer's name if you're dead, winner name during intermission and target's name when autoaiming. > SV: Failsafe console logging of game events (awards, combos, etc.) > SV: Skill cvar for food (currently soda cans). > SV: Velocity when hit by bolts. > SV: squeakbox open animation. > SV: Limit of how many times players may change their teams (per map/round), if allowed: mp_teamchangemax. > SV: Map ban list (mapcycle.bad), which is used to skip some maps from any map lists (but does not override direct 'map' commands). > SV: Unicode (UTF-8) chat support. > CL: Option to highlight players with team-colored icons above: cl_highlight_players. > CL: Scoreboard indicators: player pressed ready button (+), player finished level (*). > CL: Added support for SPR_VP_PARALLEL_UPRIGHT sprites in RenderSystem. > CL: Advanced HUD StatusIcons support (permanent, hold/fade out). > CL: Separate cl_announcer_events, cl_announcer_losecombo which allow to selectively disable some announcements (only when cl_announcer_voice is enabled). > CL: HUD sprites now can use frames! See sprites/hud_frames.txt > Code: added special SendClientData(MSG_ALL) call upon removal of an entity so client data won't get stuck forever. > Code: Better validation and exception handling mechanisms. > Dev: added player start logical types (for CoOp mostly), which indicate map start, finish and junctions. > Dev: multi_manager now accepts command "SET ". Be careful with that! > Dev: added 'master' for platforms, trains and many other things. > Dev: Doors, platforms and trains now use switching textures (+0*,+A*) during movement. > XBM: bots now select best weapons (dev: potentially using individual preference - TBD). > XBM: bots can now handle team menus. > New maps! > To everyone who complained about XDM was too serious, ROFL sprites! (tune with hud_eventicontime) >:D Improved: > HUD sprites (especially ammo), HUD fading and highlight effects (flags, control points, ammo display when changing weapon, current weapon in selector, etc. etc.) > CTF/DOM special effects. > Teleporter (trigger_teleport) effects. > env_warpball effects are now 90% client-side. > Redone some overviews (minimaps). > CL: MOTD window now displays: server MOTD, game rules intro, game flags (what's currently allowed), map information (from maps/mapname.txt). > CL: joystick-related cvars and commands won't be created if HL is started with -nojoy (use to improve performance). > CL: hud_saytext_lines controls number of chat lines, hud_deathnotice_num controls number of death notice items. > CL: Flashlight light (test in tunnels). > CL: crosshair for spectator view is now picked from weapon_unknown.txt > SV: Adjusted item respawn/pickup sound hearing radius. > SV: Monster relations: many frend/foe/food relations have been improved; monster code is faster and cleaner. Watch headcrabs eat grenades! > SV: Improved accuracy of using of game objects (like buttons). > SV: RadiusDamage() (various explosions) is now emulating shock wave more precisely: players can't take cover behind thin bars, having their bodies only partially exposed. > SV: weapon render effects are no longer lost when picked and respawned (like on DM_Manticore) > SV: Maximum number of dominaiton points per map increased to 8! > SV: Dropped flags no longer stuck in players. > SV: Spawn spot selection mechanism. > SV: Bullsquid different attack sounds (it uses deadly spin attack on targets with low health). > SV: Teamkills do not require special death notice, thus allowing players to see which weapon was used. > SV: Soundent is no longer an entity (++stability, ++performance) > Code: VS2010 and MinGW compatibility. > Code: overall type optimization (for example, there's no point in using signed integers for 0-255 values which fit into a byte). > Code: TakeDamage() is now universal for monsters and players, which means same health/armor calculations. > Code: overridden most of Q1/HL hacks (which was, in fact, a lot of work!) > Code: less magic numbers across the code, more flexibility. > Code: More stable memory cleanup. > Code: VGUI themes are now loaded and used properly (except some generic VGUI1 controls). > Code: GUI/HUD code (faster, cleaner, more flexible). > Code: Spectator modes, interface, network data, movement code. > Code: Game Rules logic is now VERY flexible and universal, code is even more stable. :) > Dev: per-map config files now include (in order of execution): mapname_pre.cfg, mapname_botmatch.cfg, mapname.cfg, mapname_cl.cfg (client-side config). > Dev: detailed report for bad keys and bad values in entities. > XBM: bots now select and use weapons in more proper way. Fixed: > Objectives minimap icons team colors were sometimes missing. > Winner notification in CTF/DOM wrong when no frags were taken by anyone. > CoOp: monstermaked or children monsters could respawnin. > CoOp: player_loadsaved, env_fade are not activated for everyone anymore. > CTF/DOM: no winner if multiple teams have the same best score (draw game). > HUD: rare inability to select special weapons without ammo (like hgun, satchel). > HUD: code bugs and errors (like flipped width and height of damage sprites). Added support for different sizes of damage/ammo/item icons. > HUD: chat lines no longer highlighted is local player has no team (all players were treated as teammates). > CL: Toggling env_rain during its shutdown process could make it behave wrong. > CL: Music player GUI permanent cursor stealing bug. > CL: Local player's killer was not detected by scoreboard at the beginning of the game. > CL: 32nd player (last possible) sometimes wasn't displayed on the scoreboard. > CL: wrong limits displayed for different game rules. > CL: Gibs bounce sounds (materials, volume). > CL: music player pause and volume reset problems (FMOD is buggy, so it's a hack). > SV: Long jump is now only initiated if player is facing along his current velocity (no run-and-turn cheats). > SV: Potential endless loop when selecting spawn point for spectator. > SV: Some sources (with index < 32 and some targets of doors) of a multisource were not registered. > SV: multi_managers and other entities are once again allowed to activate self (unfortunately, required by some HL maps). > SV: Player spawn spots on teamplay maps were used incorrectly. > SV: Items added by game_player_equip could appear in the world. > SV: If a player died while using camera (controls disabled), he was never able to respawn. > SV: World objects disappeared is intermission camera moved to location invisible to the original player. > SV: Crowbar and sword bad aiming due to old bug in FindHullIntersection(). Now it's more precise. > SV: MP5 fire modes affecting each other, messing up shooting intervals. > SV: Got rid of most "Cache_UnlinkLRU: NULL link" crashes caused by stupid mappers who use sprites instead of models (in cyclers, etc.). > SV: Also, fixed crashes when even more stupid mappers use studio models for env_sprite and env_glow! > SV: monster_gargantua is no longer pushable by bullets and explosions (looked pretty bad). > SV: Turret and garg glow could stay after the monster was killed or removed. > SV: Infinite garg stomps that endlessly fly through walls. > SV: barnacle now eats monsters and random junk properly. Try feeding it some explosives... > SV: monstermaker could crash the game if not properly configured by the mapper. > SV: Egon/plasma beams disappeared upon hitting sky. Also, they now should hang less. > SV: Death view and gib view camera was seeing through walls. > SV: Map chapter message was dispatched to 1st connected player only (HL). > SV: hgrunt kick sounds and logic. > SV: healthkit pick-up not indicated when picked by a player with health = 99.somefraction. > SV: Direct-usable only buttons now work almost flawlessly. > SV: SV_StudioSetupBones: sequence 255/3 out of range for model lgrenade.mdl > SV: Rats (snarks) kills are no longer displayed as monster kills. > SV: Rare crash on maps containing multisource entities. > SV: Wrong "Bad rendercolor in entity" warnings. > SV: Blood shown if players get hit by gas grenade. > SV: Non-fatal mp_defaultweapon parsing error. > SV: SaveRestore gEntvarsDescription mistakes. > XBM: possible stack corruption in bot chat. > XBM: bots couldn't shoot when selected weapon only had clip with no ammo in inventory. > XBM: if a bot fails to create (bad model, name, etc.) its slot won't be activated again endlessly. > XBM: bots follow player on ladders. > XBM: foreign team bots use exploit and flashlight troubles. > XBM: bots avoid dangerous projectiles properly (not bolts that stuck in walls). > XBM: bots no longer check for light level around enemy (which is always invalid in HL). > Spectator free roaming modes. > Possible map music interruption. > Explosion decal placement. > Some old player models. > Lots of other bugs that were not documented due to lack of time. Changed: > SV, CL: health, FOV and some other data is now sent over DELTA, not separate messages, thus, increasing network performance. > SV: Replaced obsolete ammo_chemgun with ammo_lightp. Old one is left for compatibility. > SV: Use of trigger_dom_point in now abandoned in favor of usual trigger_multiple and other activation mechanisms. > SV: Teleporter fired by displacer will always disintegrate everyone it touches. > SV: mp_defaultweapon changes work immediately. > SV: RPG rockets don't follow laser spot if it's "on the sky" when playing on hard skill level. > SV: It is now required that all players press fire/jump buttons to end intermission. mp_chattime is now maximum intermission time. > XBM: bots now use ANY usable entity disregarding its classname with a 40% chance. > XBM: bot can be re-used by player if he was following another bot. > MAPS: DM_LostCity, CTF_ProjectX2 and some others were updated. Undone: > Minimap icon for any entity. > Client-side flame. Requires transfering trigger_push (at least) to cliet side. > Configs for all HL singleplayer maps (player start points at least). Known bugs: > Dropped weapons are removed a little too often (otherwise game crashes). > monster_gargantua causes colossal traffic flood and may crash game server. > Music player still don't work properly in asynchonous mode (loading a new track slows game for a while). > Best weapon is selected very slowly after spawning. > Sometimes client-side best team (sorted by score board) differs from server-side (which is the right one), so final winner/loser notifications are true while score board may lie. > 3D sky is now drawn in the overview window. Changes/Additions: ------------------ Added: > More gameplay combos! > Players can push each other if sv_playerpushable is 1. > Game skill level affects monsters in more ways: health, turn speed and reaction. > XBM: bots behavior is a little bit more accurate (shooting skills, ability to duck, other). > XBM: bots will whine about loosing the game. Winner will boast :) > Spirit of Half-Life compatible entities: multi_switcher, multi_watcher > Localizable control point names on DOM maps (titles.txt). > Dev: you can now specify 'teamcolor1'(2,3,4) in 'rendercolor' field of any entity. Useful for decorating team bases. > Dev: 'checkpoint' for info_player_* which works like 'master' except each player must 'collect' checkpoints. Right now trigger_autosave works as checkpoint. > Dev: 'master' for trigger_gravity, trigger_multiple, func_ladder > Dev: sv_generategamecfg 1/0 - generate game.cfg for HL protocol 47+ games (from settings.scr) > Dev: very convinient on-the-fly map patching and configuration system (ENT, CFG files and entity values) > Weapon highlighting in the dark (on ground). Improved: > multi_manager now has SoHL-compatible flags (loop, once, start) and maximum of 32 targets. > Map graph generation is now faster and .nrp files are only created when "developer" is set to 2. Fixed: > WorldGraph generation errors and crashes (especially in multiplayer). > Persistent game rules (even when changing from CoOp to CTF). > Sound-activating triggers now should work. > Disintegrated monsters didn't fire any conditional triggers. > SP: returning to previous map made you unable to return back to next map (info_landmark problem). > Awards for using func_tank* now work properly. > Valve-made memory leak in client dll (VGUI). > Grenade mode text is now really taken from titles.txt. Changed: > mp_fragsleft replaced with mp_scoreleft. > Buttons no longer play "pressed" sounds when locked. Undone: > Co-op, LMS. Known bugs: > Engine overload is still possible on servers with 32 players and lots of weapon boxes. a,b,c Changes/Additions: ------------------ Added: > Overdrive mode! DANGEROUS! Do not use! > CoOperative mode (unstable!): monster DM, level cleaning, level playing (trigger_changelevel). > Customizable weapon slots!! Use hud_weapon_slots cvar. > sv_weaponsscale (1.0...2.0) - tunes weapons scale in world (multiplayer only). > Runtime map patching with .ent files (toggled with sv_loadentfile cvar). Warning! Disable this when running mod under Xash. > Number of items picked is now displayed. > Opposing Force CTF compatibility - added corresponding entities. You can now play op4ctf_ maps too. > human_grunts now have unique damage resistances. > More FX!! > Player can use other player or a bot! Players will get notice and bots will change behavior. > Players can grab weapon boxes! > Entities now remember activator chain! E.g. when player activates trigger_hurt, laser, train, etc with a button, he will receive score when someone gets killed with those. > Players personal colours (topcolor) are now used by score board and spawn effects (hud_useplayercolor) > New models. > Damage direction display size can be changed (hud_dmgdisplay_scale). > Crashproof: weaponboxes are now limited in world in multiplayer. > Libraries for different CPU architectures, define directly in liblist.gam or in dlls/XBM.arc if using XBM. > Chat highlight (color and sound) for teammates and by player name (hud_saytext_hlight). > Monsters respawn control in multiplayer (mp_monstersrespawn, mp_monsrespawntime). > "Killed by door" and "Killed by env_laser" icons (if there is a func_tank_laser on the map). > Customizable team colors (mp_teamcolor1-4). > Train frags! You need to control the train to receive score. > mp_laddershooting - decides if players can shoot while clibming ladders. > mp_respawntime - players cannot respawn for this period, works along with mp_forcerespawn and mp_forcerespawntime. > Player view motion amplitude increased. Game became harder! > Automatic back-up script (backup.bat) to help saving your config files. > Entity disintegration effects (used on satchels, tripmines, grenades, crossbow bolts and other things). > Atomic Demolition Device (use 'impulse 121' command, also available in Command menu, configurable in standard Controls menu). > More in-game messages and announcements. > Fully client-side static architecture (env_static) which does not use network bandwidth (use sv_serverstaticents to disable). > Cool intermission camera positioning. > Some new sounds. > Tournament announcements (time left, winner, etc.), "cl_announcer_voice" cvar. > (untested) Crashproof: server saves last playing map (and some parameters) to "server_run.cfg", so the game can be resumed after crash. Improved: > XBM: bots now use real weapon fire delays from game DLL code (global header). > Weapon fire effects ported to RenderSystem (even less overflows). > Train control display. > Spectator mode. > Updated FGD file. > Monstermaker (can spawn even if there are non-solid entities nearby), cockroaches (better and faster code). > Game rules: better initialization, stability. > Monster code, more code reusage. A little bit faster. > Physics: no more safe landing on ladders and shallow water areas, better sounds and effects. > XBM: bots now behave more "conscious", notably when following player. > weapon_plasma effects and sounds. > Gravity and radioactive grenades tuned. > kRenderFxFullBright now works as it should. > Network code: reduced number of separate weapon update packets. > Optimized some models. > XBM: bots no longer drown hopelessly. > XBM: bot code improved, bots now strafe to avoid attackers. > Bullets and explosions physics. > Music player made much more usable. > Render system code major improvements. > Radioactive grenades work on all players, damage goes through walls. > Localizable and more compact status bar. > More code optimization! > Weapon balance, especially grenades. Now all types are really usable. > Item respawn effects. > Weapon boxes disappear when touch sky (they can't be picked up anyway), thus improving game stability. > Player screen shakes more from beam/bullet damage in appropriate directions. > More detail textures used. > In-game messages corrected. > Steam-aware game user interface. > Tweaked sentences.txt and titles.txt > Player award system (internal logic). > Game rules code. > XBM: updated code to HPB 4.0 Fixed: > Disappearing trees on some maps. > Bullet hit sparks and decals. > Shaking crossbow crosshair when fully zoomed in. > Crosshair and ammo display turn off when last weapon is dropped. > Gluon/plasma beams no longer disappear when player walks into another room. > No more jumping/moving while camera view is active (trigger_camera). > XBM: bots used by a disconnecting player stuck being unusable. > Trains now stop properly when intermission begins. > Human grunts respawned with no gun in hands. > momentary_door movement and sounds (check at c2a1b) (long awaited valve fix!). > HEV suit now really speaks when you pick up a new weapon. > DMG_IGNITE fire and smoke effects are no longer shown under water. > Crash: track changes while the music player window is opened. > Scoreboard code. > Flag dropping. > Shotgun ammo pickup failures. > Some detail textures. > mp_laddershooting prevented players from using func_tanks (since 3035 TESTING). > NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS API reverted back to be compatible with HL1110 (since 3035 BETA). > Dead barnacle cannot be destroyed with crowbar. > XBM: bots look properly at player they following and also crouch along. > XBM: no more using of non-teammates (anticheating). > item_airtank did not respawn in multiplayer. > Bug with non-detonating l_grenades. > Barnacles die and fall properly. > XBM: bot_create default parameters (no options except name and model specified) were never used. > func_tanklaser beam will no longer stay active when player is killed while using it. > Some HUD sprites. > Human grunts will attack player's rats.. er.. snarks. > Death notice/double kill award text length. > func_pushables (crates, barrels, etc.) were not affected by gravity grenades. > Some maps fixed and updated (DM_Garden1/2, DOM_Forest, DOM_SnowFields). > Camera movement parameters did not restore after first intermission. > Persistent gauss spinning sound. > XBM DLL APIs. > HLDS hangings. > Some gameplay issues. > Flag dropping bug. > HEV fire damage notification Changed: > Completely rewritten weapon code. Fewer entities in the world at one time, less recreation, less traffic, less traces and collisions, more flexibility for future use. > Game rules: more strict distinction between game types: you can't win by frags in score-dependant game. > How many grunts osprey carries now depends only on skill level. > Players can use objects and switch flashlight without waiting (during reload, etc.) > Wall-mounted chargers will "respawn" not after being depleted but after last use. > Server-side cvars renamed to match their purpose, added prefixes (sv,mp): e.g. allows_pectators -> mp_allowspectators > Players now drop ONLY weapons physically picked up in the world, but not those added by game rules or cheats. > More accurate freeze time. > Player view height. > Grenade type text now loading from titles.txt (localizable) Undone: > Co-operative mode still incomplete (sources are available - you are welcome to write it!) > Same with LMS. Known bugs: > Grenade in-hand models shows wrong (fixable, but takes lots of time) > Camera may show space behind walls when viewing from a gib. > Flamethrower still generates tons of traffic and I cannot think up a way to make good and reliable fire. > Gibs are totally random, no distinction between body parts. > Entity-attached effects like dynamic lights and particles may loose their target and appear at random places in game. Changes/Additions: ------------------ Added: > mp_endgamedamage - can players be hurt after the match has ended? (allowing this MAY change score results after the end of game!) > mp_teambalance, mp_teamchange, mp_teamchangekill vars for better game control. > Players carrying flammable ammo will explode if gibbed! >:D (mp_playerexplode) > Ability to create universal (any team) capture zones for CTF! (set 'team' to 0) > Server event logging (DOM, CTF) > Turrets and tanks new fire modes (bullet types: light, flame, plasma) Improved: > Tele.. er... gravity grenades. > UI graphics. > Player death animations. > Anti-cheating: players are not allowed to change team colors on model in teamplay. > Dropped flags now can take damage and be destroyed by world objects. > Network code slightly modified (rain effect). > Improved some beam/bullet effects. > More realistic werapon_357 screen shake effects (also depends on fire mode). > Significantly reduced CPU usage. > Flashlight state gets saved and restored properly. > Weapon code slightly rewritten. > Satchel charges now use reliable control mechanism and display activated charges count. > Telegrenades affect satchels and tripmines too. > Total ass-kicking client-side code optimization! > Added a mechanism that (hopefully) will decrease "no free edicts" crashes in multiplayer games. Fixed: > Hands colors - models (v_ textures) and some more network code. > Players were unable to capture flags after picking up dropped flags in CTF. > Monsters gib count was not saved. > CountPlayers() always returned maxplayers. > Incorrect death notices. Changed: > Distribution license (received some complains) > Some more code moved to client side. > Removed a bunch of cheats. > Poison grenades behavior: larger radius in open air, but lasts longer under water Changes/Additions: ------------------ Fixed: > Scoreboard. > Spectator mode and team selection. > Crash when using gauss in a network game. > Connected player didn't get domination points info. (net spec upd!) > Teleporter grenade code - now it really sucks! > Map config command 'setkvbytn' finally works 100% properly! > Weapon-related crash. > Beamrifle trail disappearing too fast. > Invisible acid balls in HL1111+. > IntChangeSignal potential crash. > Crash when changing level with active flamethrower. Improved: > Game balance. Changed: > Hornets do not track teammates in multiplayer. Changes/Additions: ------------------ Fixed: > DOM_SkyTown1 overview image. > Sensor mines can no longer be triggered through glass. > Beam rifle view model. > DOM_Forest "South" point name. > Entities spawned using map config file have wrong classnames and unable to respawn. > map_globalfog created unlimited number of env_fog entities. Added: > Teleporting players may clean their way by killing things near destination point (mp_telegib). > InstaGib mode (mp_instagib). > Minimap (flashlight works incorrectly when enabled). > New sequence events: 5012, 5022, 5032 - same as 5002 but on attachments 1,2 and 3. > Domination points names under HUD icons. Improved: > Spectator mode. Changes/Additions: ------------------ Fixed: > Minor displacer ball code fixes. > Acid balls don't detonate when touched by owner. > Render systems brightness and last frame flickering in software mode. > GetAutoaimVector() with no active item crash. > Charging weapons (like gauss) now cannot be interrupted. > Light projectile flat sprite orientation. > Airstrike targets cannot be disabled by tele grenades. > func_tank*s do not bring any score. > Crossbow first time zoom. > Weapon box collision/pick up code. > Death notice logic. > sv_lognotice can be changed during a multiplayer game. > Save/load crash on maps with sound entities. > Dedicated server startup crash. > Weird weapon crash. > Satchel size. > env_sky now works properly. > Client-side text buffer overflow (crash when loading maps with large .txt files) > Server hangs when loading map without any info_player_deathmatch entities. > Explosion damage TOO small. > Image TGA compression for Steam HL. Added: > Beam rifle effective against displacer balls. > mp_wpnboxbrk cvar. Weapon boxes can now be destroyed (prevents overflow sometimes). Box hit points: 200. > Triggers can be activated by sound (flag 64, see docs for details) > CTF/DOM objects now showing in overview window. > New weapon - Beam rifle! Very powerful, but slow. Creates a beam that causes an energy explosion. Ignores armor. > Score display in CTF. > Music player user interface! > mp_teamplay cvar. Enables teamplay in DM_ maps by default when autodetecting game gules. > bgm_playcustomlist and bgm_defplaylist cvars. > Timer to the scoreboard. Improved: > Steam UI (not tested). > Major code cleanup. > Elevators/plats looping sounds. > Gauss beam goes through the glass. > Developer/cheat commands in multiplayer game are now more secure. > Map config files execution system. > Render System (tm) code optimized and fasterized. > Shotgun reload code. > Minor code cleanup. > Better icons in DLLs. =) Removed: > Inventory window (unfinished). Under construction: > Last Man Standing and Assault game rules. > Spectator modes. Known bugs: > Dynamic lights do not follow entities in software mode. > Spectator mode is still experimental. Should be disabled on game servers. > Special effects in software mode. > Old particles problem. > Unknown "Illegible server message - svc_bad" error. Changes/Additions: ------------------ Global: > Particle System code revisited. > Weapon/ammo storage code rewritten. Faster, much more stable. > Skill system redone. > Resource handling slightly improved. > Updated compiler (this fixes strange crash). Fixed: > "unable to load map description file" error. > Player hit boxes detection. > Transparency bug in multi-layer map overviews (draw order). > Problem with more than 2 teams. > Monsters invincibility. > Crash when loading saved games. > Material sound system. > Invalid HUD in teamplay. > Gauss holster problem. > Rain effect performance issue. > Improper rocket aiming (func_tank, c2a5b). > Displacer autoaim bug. > Spectator problems in teamplay. > Colormap is now being set properly according to the player's team. Added: > New sounds. > Nice shockwave effects. > 3rd person death camera (UT-style). (cl_death_view) > invup and invdown commands that are very useful for +MWHEELUP/DOWN input. > mp_specteammates - spectators can only follow teir teammates. > Third person view restriction in multiplayer. > Automatic game type switching (by map prefix). Improved: > New damage adjustment algorithm. Faster and better. > Test maps updated. > Tuned overview look. > Gauss fx code moved to client-side really nicely. That was really difficult! > RPG laser spot brightness depends on distance. > RadiusDamage(): radiation and beam damage ignores glass and living things. > All view- and most player models redone for teamplay. What a hard work! > monster_gargantua lagless stomp effect (uses particle system). > monster_barnacle fall code. > Client-side (lagless) progressive zooming! > Maximum number of materials increased to 800. > Crowbar code. > Game type-related user interface. > Tournament-style messages moved to client-side. Strings are now localizable. > Score board and client teamplay-related code rewritten. Faster, nicer. > Chooseteam command moved to client side. Changed: > "mp_addweapon" to "mp_defaultweapon" like in HL2. > All *menu.txt scripts moved to scripts/ folder. > Weapon slots. > New interface. > C4 charges explode immediately (again). > Custom 'mapcyclefile' is now allowed only in deathmatch game type. Removed: > Most w_ models. Memory usage reduced. Under construction: > weapon_beamrifle, weapon_plasmarifle (like in Doom 3). They'll be done as soon as I'll find/make models. > Last Man Standing and Assault game rules. > Sword swing style. > Music player UI. Known bugs: > XDM hangs when loading several maps. > Particle smoke trail disappears when projectile gets inside sky or water. Changes/Additions: ------------------ Fixed: > Weird network error. > Bots shooting teammates. > Large memory leak and crash caused by improper MOTD/map info file handling. > Human gibs dropped by monsters. > Wrong HUD sprites (ammo). > End of level in overview mode. > Crosshair doesn't reset when loading a new map. Added: > New maps - CTF_InfernalVillage2, CTF_ProjectX2, DOM_000, DOM_Forest, DOM_SkyTown1, DOM_SnowFields. > Separate 'mapcycle.*' file for each game type. > 'mp_teammines' cvar. Yripmines will not react with teammates if > 0. > Ability to load dom/ctf in deathmatch/teamplay. > Dominaton game mode. Map prefix: DOM_. Max. 4 domination points per map. > Capture The Flag game mode. Map prefix: CTF_. > Team deathmatch. > HUD can now use team color (hud_useteamcolor). > Some new static models. > A giant water circle appears when monster_apache falls into water. > Headcrabs eat roaches! Improved: > Teamplay code rewritten COMPLETELY. > Entities outside visible radius (sv_zmax) are not sending any updates to client. > Render System code cleanup and optimization. > Render System code now uses rotation matrix. > Temporary entity code optimized. > Weapon box code. > Message-Of-The-Day now includes map information. > Content control. > Scoreboard title. > FX code. Changed: > 'mp_tournamentfx' to 'cl_tournamentfx' because it's now individual client option. Removed: > 'identify' command and 'mp_allowid' cvar. Obsolete. > 'mp_autocrosshair' cvar. > 'rpgr_rgb' cvar because rocket fx code moved to client side. Under construction: > Last Man Standing game rules. > Sword swing style. > Music player UI. > Assault. Known bugs: > Particle smoke trail disappears when projectile gets inside sky or water. > Some other... Changes/Additions: ------------------ Global: > Resources now loading faster. Added: > FGD file. > env_flamespawner custom sprite support. > A 'music/.xpl' playlist will be automatically loaded in a multiplayer game if 'bgm_playmaplist' cvar is > 0 (CL). > DM maps: DM_AbandonedPlant, DM_Cliff and DM_Minez by Skaarj + soundtrack + new textures. > DM map: DM_Garden 2 with weather effects. > Scoreboard - spectator's target highlighting. > sv_lognotice cvar (0 by default). Allows server to bypass many UTIL_LogPrintf()'s. Improved: > Render system manager reorganized. New fast algorithm. > DM_Garden map updated to version 1.2. > func_train start sounds > Some weapon view models. > Documentation. > Minor code optimizations (SV + CL). > Bot creation method. > Weapon box code. > Rain render system - water circles. Fixed: > Displacer ball effect. > Plat/train sound reset on each path_ entity + start sounds. > Bot skin reset on respawn. > Players 'flying' to respawn points. > Some particle effects disappearing. > Render system crash on level change. > Missing FX. > Win2000/XP crash and 'no DLL API' bug. Under construction: > Music player GUI. > Sphere and disk render systems. Bugs: > VGUI memory leak (HL) > Stuck on elevator (HL) Changes/Additions: ------------------ Global: > Updated UI scripts. > Client.dll code optimized. > cl_zsr cvar renamed back to zoom_sensitivity_ratio > Crossbow bolt speed increased. > VGUI- and filesystem-related commands moved to client DLL. Added: > ui_reloadscheme command to reload current color scheme without restarting. > Weapon documentation. Fixed: > Some network bugs. > Crossbow zoom and bolt bugs. > One of "MSVCRT" crashes. > Invisible strike target. > Alauncher half-ammo. Changes/Additions: ------------------ Global: > Multilayer overview support. Up to 6 layers! > Custom color and font schemes support! (schemes//*.txt) Use cl_scheme "" in console, or cl_scheme "" for default. > Universal client-side renderer !!! > env_rain does not spam traffic anymore! > Chase camera code rewritten. > Monster corpses float in water. > Global (worldspawn) key: 'roomtype'. > New graphic user interface. > New deathmatch maps included. > Most FX code moved to client side. > Anti-cheat system: skill (sk_plr_) CVars now cannot be changed in multiplayer. > Network code optimization. > Transparent model textures support (requires system files from 'Day Of Defeat' Mod). > GUI for Steam version. > Botmatch in this release. > Profile system. > VGUI schemes redone. > On-the-fly effect switching (for slow computers). > Code optimization. Reduced CPU usage. > Breakable objects can break (or explode) when fall. > Half-Life mp3 soundtracks are no longer included in XDM. > DOS-style console commands (like 'dir'). > Music Player FMOD API v3.63 (see 'changes'). > Command menu and user interface customization. > Snow, wood and grass texture type and step sounds (sound/materials.txt). > Voice communication support. > You don't need to restart map after changing sv_cheats. Added: > weapon_strtarget. Invokes a big airstrike in ANY map that has sky (connects to a satellite). > 'hideitems' command for overview shots. > Sensor mines! Tripmine altfire. > Added new player models and improved some old models. > env_ststic - very similar to 'cycler' but lagless. Extremely useful in multiplayer. > env_funnel now allows custom sprite ('noise' key). > env_fade 'stay out' flag (after 'only one client' flag). > path_track 'Don't rotate' flag. Right after 'Disable train'. > Tournament-style multiplayer score counter. > Detail textures (not tested). Only in steam HL. > Reversed 'sparks' particle system. > 'Drips' particle system type. > Teleportation grenade now reacts with teleporter balls fired by displacer. > Gauss (Tau Cannon) and Egon (Gluon gun) beam customization. > Weapon holster animations and personal selection sounds. > Hands (view model) topcolor and bottomcolor customization > Material sounds for func_pushable/breakable. > func_plat start sounds. > monster_robo_grunt (same as human, but has metal gibs and barnacles dies after eating them). > Map description ('mapinfo' and 'mapbriefing' console commands). > Gib effects (lots of sounds and blood). > Many other effects. > Single-player maps (xhl#a#,..). > New commands and CVars (see the end of file). > New DM_ maps. > New hi-poly models. New modeling events (see docs/modelevents.txt). > New textures, models, sprites. > New weapons: weapon_sword weapon_alauncher + ammo_alauncher weapon_glauncher + ammo_glauncher weapon_chemgun + ammo_chemgun weapon_displacer + ammo_gaussclip weapon_flame + ammo_fueltank weapon_plasma + ammo_fueltank Improved: > All code fasterized ;) > Optimized weapon models. > Death notification system. > Server-client weapon event synchronization. > FlameThrower code. > Optimized particle system code (faster, nicer). Network traffic usage reduced. > Weapons functionality. (New fire modes, etc.). > Airstrike (mortar) effects. > Human assassins and grunts AI code and sounds. > monster_islave AI code. It can now resurect dead friends. Key value: 'medic' < 0 normal, > 0 medic, = 0 random. > monster_apache death animations and fx, gibs and damage sounds. Now it can explode air. > monster_turret AI, fx code and sounds. > monster_alien_controller, garg, nihilanth FX. > Hornetgun fx code and sounds. > Bot chat ;) Changed: > Flamethrower fire modes: secondary is more distant and eats more ammo. > Player doesn't loose weapon_satchel detonator to avoid loosing control of previously planted charges. > Egon PRIMARY fire mode: beam inflicts half direct damage and half radius damage. > Egon SECONDARY fire mode: beam inflicts only direct damage and eats less ammo. > Rain effect code completely rewritten. More client-side code, no beams. Nicer, lagless. > Teamplay. Players can have different models in the same team, but can't change colormap. > Egon damage infliction method. > Music player is now on client side and loads fmod.dll dynamically. > Console background and fonts. > Crosshair sprites + resolution insensitive zoom crosshair system. > VGUI interface. > Identification system code. Fixed: > First created bot doesn't shoot at anybody except player. > Gauss self-headshot. > Spectator can now see the whole chat, but can talk only to spectators. > Constant fog effect follows you on level change. > Secondary ammo display in weapon selection slots > env_sound, trigger_sound and global 'roomtype' conflict. > env_sky bug in 3rd person view. > Looping weapon animations. > Zoom crosshair is now drawing before other HUD elements. > func_breakable material and damage types. > Weapon NULL pointer crash. > Crossbow zoom bug when lag compensation is enabled. > Ladder bug. > Multiplayer CRASH when standing on someone's head. > Displacer ball dynamic light. > Particles rotating when the game is paused. > Particle system CRASH! > Some singleplayer maps (entities). > Players freeze in barnacle and cannot respawn. > Hud sprites. > monster_barney and monster_hgrunt weapon sounds. > Crash when you shoot at wall inside func_breakable with gauss. > Some old buggy models, sprites, sounds. > Other minor bugs. Bugs: > Zoom crosshair doesn't work with software renderer. > Music events. > Bot AI. > Undiscovered bugs, of course! Removed: > Some unused code/resources. > Autoaim. > Old bogus and laggy identification system. > Old test entities. > Some unused CVars. Undone: > VGUI music player. > Monsters AI still under construction. > Taunt system (sound/taunts.ini). > Console and VGUI fonts localization. > Inventory and music player window. Botmatch: > Changed bot creation method. > Bot chat :) > AI: 'follow' and 'hold position' commands. > XHL weapons support.