// !!! UNICODE (UTF-8) files must start with comment! // Bot chat lines. Only used when bot_chat_charvoice is OFF. // Maximum string length: 190Bytes or 95 unicode characters. // Tags: %r - random name, %n - context name [bot_chat] Hey, where's everybody? I'll camp here and wait for some llamas OH MAN! Come check this out... Hello? anybody else out there? LOL! %r, come here so I can drill you. z-Z-z-Z-z-Z-z-Z-z.. I wanna sleeep -_- It's quiet. TOO quiet! This doesn't look good... It makes me sick to look at those fools Time to kick some serious ass! This map sucks hard... HEY %r YOU DAMN CHEATER! Wazzzzuuuuuuup?!! boooring time for a mapchange? LagLagLag!! Paradox time! Camping sucks! anyone knows if %r is admin? Where are those annoying scientists? I'll kill you all! Just wait... !IMHO %r is a CHEATER! Black Mesa rulez! I'm a virus! MHA-HA-HA-HA!! ERROR404 /make monster_%r /make monster_alien_%r I'm going to space. /give item_soda My connection sucks! change this boring map! someone give me the egon, pleeeease! :) I like single player maps better! deathmatch is nothing without beer... I'm so happy! X-) %r, tell me how to cheat plz. *sigh* It's goofy time! BUUURRRRPP!!! X() All you teletubbies are belong to me! Donkill me plz, I'm drunk! This map is quite interesting... I LOVE this game! ) All your ass are belong to us AFK 10sec :3 Oops I broke my monitor Hiding is pointless... Come out! We won't hurt you. Are we in space yet? Here's the plan: %r you come here and... you'll see Yuck! How do I used medkit? Hey guyz how do u reload so fast???? Why is everyone so angry? Everyone is wrong! %r you're fat! Why would someone want to hunt %r? ......... Hello world! Can anyone tell me the rules? Nice to see chat with no trolls.. except %r maybe. LOL I just googled "%r rule 34" :D Wow! There's bout 60 000 pics for "porn with %r" on the internet! lalala COME ON! DO SOME HARDCORE!! Why is this chat even needed? I cant understand you talk languge :( [:-) Can you levelup in this game?? Oh my let's get down! %r are you that sucker who killed me 14 times last caturday? NYAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Do I need to register to use this chat? Hi everyone! Wassup? How do u guyz make that nuclear bomb?? impulse 121 I believe I can fly... <:o This is madness!!! Popcorn got in my keyboard! My virtual keyboard!! :( I want an invisiblility spell /slap %r %r let's go have some beer PARTYHARD! You ppl may not know it but I'm playing for 5 hours... +_+ Strange game. I saw a couple of headcrabs not long ago. Disgusting creatures! I hope to never see another. Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties? Does a set of all sets contain itself? Bots don't sleep! %r who are you? %r haven't seen you around... %r are you new here? %r, %r, %r... there's nobody I won't fight! :P Medic! Need a displacer here! Here I come!! Fear me! I'm so excited! (>_<) Where am I? I sence some weird presence... (>_>) %r /me slaps %r a bit with a large crowbar I think I'm gonna crash... Someone's hiding my soda again! Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous suits! %r, do you know who ate all the doughnuts? Does this map have any beverage machines? %r, have you ever seen anything like this? %r, don't you find this all rather fascinating? Is anyone else getting hungry? Om-nom-nom-nom :8 This place is much bigger than I thought. Did anyone see a man in a blue suit? I think the government has something to hide! Look, a g-man! Hey! Someone left a briefcase here! Hey everybody! I'm looking at %r camping! >:D 'morning everyone... (-_-)/ Um... does this game have any regular expressions? Those numbers, those green numbers... If I get killed in this game, do I die IRL too? Man, those guns are heavy! I'd LOVE to put some landmines here... >:) How far does this remote control work? Uh, never mind... I wonder how would I look in some RPG? %r, what game are you from? %r, do you speak binary? I think %r is a little drunk... %r, what's your ping? WAZZZUUUP!! This map is kinda strange. Does this map have any secrets? How interesting... (-_-) Umm... anyone tried feeding barnacles some crabs? (o_o) Why do those crabs like to eat roaches AND explosives?! (0_0) Errr... this isn't a Final Fantasy game, right? Wow! I've found a secret! Everyone's trying to hurt me these strange days. :_( Gotta find some mayonaise.. Don't eat some random stuff lying on the ground. I kinda doubt these weapon boxes are waterproof... This is either a metal, or... if it is a metal, then it's painted... This is either a metal, painted, or could be a plastic... Color... Bright... Looks like a toy... Colorful metal, or plastic, painted as a metal... [bot_taunt] Man, did you see that shot! !%n - you suck! LOL! Hah! Got another one! %n, go back to hazard course!!! Hey %n, my grandma plays better than you! %n, try aiming for the head! !%n, I KICKED YOUR ASS! Man %n, you suck worse than %r does! %n, you're too stupid to survive... Oh, %n! That was sweet!!! Ahahaha.. lol! Even %n can't stop me! MHa-ha-ha-haaa!! You're dead, %n! %n! Do you still think i'm LaMeR?! that was cool! my headshot script is better, %n Sorry, %n. You got in my way. %n, TERMINATED! Thanks for increasing my score, %n! OOps, I did it again :) Much better! %n, do you like the Rocket Roll? This is my lucky day, %n! fun enough, don't you think, %n? %n, let's do this again! :)))))) This is my time, %n, not yours! Bite me! :p STFU Eat that, %n! Target <%n> eliminated! %n, that had to hurt... BOOM! Yup... C'mon, %n is that the best you can do? INTeL inside, %n outside! %n, you're no match for me! You flew back pretty good, %n. I had to do it, %n. You understand. Concentrate on the game, %n! Oh. I hope that wasn't too painful, %n? Yeeeeehaw! Woo00OOO!!! %) Hey everybody, I killed %n!! Huh! Another simple frag for nothing! Relax, %n, it's just a game... :) Wooooww! Gibbage!!!!!!!! Oh, yeah! OUT OF MY WAY!!!!! Yahoo!(tm) He-he-heee! Mha-ha-ha-ha! Wheeeeee!!! Uu-ghua-ha-haaa!! boom! %n, humans make mistakes, bots don't (c) %n! I'm lovin' it! Another day, another corpse... Get a good gun, %n! Mincing machine!! Mhua-hua-hua-huaaarr!!! Cum get sum! :D LOL, %n! Run faster next time, %n! X) Yes! Yees!! PWNAGE!! PWNED! Science isn't about 'Why', %n! %n, don't be angry. %n, DESTROYED! A %n is fine too. A challenger appears! Did %n drop any good loot? How Do I Shot %n? Just as planned. Shit happens, %n Use the force, %n Where is your sorry ass now? It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! %n, do a barrel roll :-/ Awesome. %r, you're next! :P Ke-ke-ke Scum! Eat that! YEEEHAAAAAW! How's that taste, pal? Come on, tough guy! Ho-ho-ho Wake up, %n %n, disassembled. %n, you look better this way. Just needed to release some steam, %n ;) Enlarge your gun, %n! >:D Have you tried turning it off and on again %n? :] There's something on your face! It was paaain! Crabsucker! >:) That's right! Who's laughing now!? Want something for the pain? Good for you! :D Now things got serious! Yay! I feel much stronger now! No pain - no gain. No brain - no gain. Oh, now I did it. Oh, I completely did it.. Sorry, %n, I follow the way of samurai, and you're in the way. Now that was a tough one. Another one bites the dust. Mortal after all... [bot_whine] %n is cheating! %n WTF!? %n you are sooooo good... NOT! Ok %n, now I'm coming after YOU!!! %n you expect me to die? %n is CAMPING!!! Admeeen! kick %n off of this server! Oh Man! I failed again! !Doooooooh! %n why do you keep doing this? Alright %n, you're gonna be SOOOO dead! %n you're gonna die! %n try and touch me ONE MORE TIME..! Hey %n, I was resting my mouse hand. %n, why don't you pick on someone else for a change? !%n! STOP IT!!! Ok %n, now I'm going to HAVE to kill you! Are you crazy, %n?! You pissed up superfly!! Oh %n! What have you done?!! I had to reload my gun! FU! Why does everyone keep trying to hurt me? :( %n is hunting for me! HELPP!! !%n, I will NEVER forget this! %n, I'll format your C:\ !%n, I ' L L B E B A C K ! Now I got your ticket to hell, %n! %n, I'll not give up so easy! %n, YOU'RE A BIG FAT PIECE OF COW DUNG!!!! %n, just wait! Heeeey! %n! I was typing the text! %n, do you think that was funny?!! Try it one more time %n! %n... Don't piss me off, %n! Nobody kicks my ass... and lives! !%n WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!! Ouch!!! X-\ Nooooooo!!! 8-() Nice try, %n... Trying to PISS ME OFF, %n? !Never, NEVER even aim at me, %n!!! Plese, %n, don't do this again! Thisssuxx! Oh, NoOoOo!!! Shit! Dammit! You're BASTARD, %n! Ok that was my brain Trying to get 'Multi kill' award, %n? How funny, %n... :-/ !you suck! Argh! <:O You gonna be vanned for this, %n! FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU-!!!! Why So Serious? Hm. Upgrades? %n: an oveflowing butthurt comes to you! And that's all you've got? Get lost! !%n, try rm -rf / next time! Sucker! How funny, %n! :-/ Hey!! Non-lethal as ever. Ah, crap. NOWAI!! Why, why do you persist?! I'll get ya! I was an adventurer like %n, then took a rocket in my knee... %n you're a horrible person. %n don't hurt me, no more! We'll see bout that... I'm going to punch your face IN THE FACE! This isn't working... %n I know your IP! Now I'll nuke you!! Aren't you lucky! :-/ You're pushing your luck! Piss off! Don't mess with me! Last warning! I can't take much more of this! Did your mom teach you that? Stop fooling around! Now you're gonna miss some legs! You're a moron, %n! Did you know that? Go bother someone else! You win this time, asshole! You won't get away with this! %n, you gonna pay! Oh noes! /(0.0)\ (x_x) (X_x) I'm tired now, %n, go bother someone else! You ain't safe nowhere now, %n! Oh so cool, are we? Now I know where you live! Don't go bragging about this, %n! Why the heck did you do that for, %n!? It looks like we won't be working together. No regrets, %n.