// Mario_Air Resource file // items commented out are included for reference only ... // HL servers will d/l sound and sprite file on its own so don't enable them // please put this file in the valve/maps directory along with the Mario_Air.BSP and Mario_Air.TXT file // 1ea custom skybox (6 views) gfx/env/grassup.tga gfx/env/grassdn.tga gfx/env/grasslf.tga gfx/env/grassrt.tga gfx/env/grassft.tga gfx/env/grassbk.tga // 3ea custom sprites //sprites/cloud.spr //sprites/spinning_coin.spr //sprites/explode1.spr // 9ea custom sound files //sound/mario2/coin.wav //sound/mario2/pipewarp.wav //sound/mario2/billblow.wav //sound/mario2/cannon.wav //sound/mario2/mess.wav //sound/mario2/falling1.wav //sound/mario2/thanks.wav //sound/mario2/bowser.wav //sound/mario2/taunt.wav // 3ea custom models - one monster, two player // 1ea stock model // 1ea zipped snark replacement model //models/cannon_guy.mdl //models/big_rat.mdl //models/player/powerup_mario/powerup_mario.mdl //models/player/powerup_luigi/powerup_luigi.mdl //models/soadmushroom.zip // 3ea map related files maps/mario_air.txt //maps/mario_air.res //maps/mario_air.bsp