1/10/2001 ========================================================= Title : "They Hunger deathmatch 4" (standard Half-Life version) Description : Deathmatch map for Half-Life Authors : Dave Waters / Neil Manke Homepages -Dave : www.planethalflife.com/3dconstruction -Neil : www.planethalflife.com/manke E-mail Addresses : waters@planethalflife.com : nmanke@telus.net ========================================================= * Credits * Thanks to everyone at Valve and Sierra. Thanks to Neil, Einar, Magnus, Jack, and Paul at Black Widow Games. Thanks to Barking Dog for Counter-Strike textures (used with permission for "They Hunger"). ========================================================= * Installation * You must have a full installation of Half-Life (Ver. or higher. Run hldm4.exe to install the files (default drive is "C", so change it if you installed Half-Life to a different drive). They Hunger 2 is NOT required to play this version of Thdm4, therefore the They Hunger weapons are not available in this map and have been replaced with standard Half-Life issue. ========================================================= * Description * Single Player :No Deathmatch :Yes New textures :Yes New Models :No New Sounds :Yes New code :No * Construction * Base :Thdm4.rmf Build time :NA Compiler :Athlon 700 Tools used :Worldcraft 3.3 * Bugs* None found: report bugs to the e-mail addresses above. ======================================================== * Distribution * This level may not be distributed on any medium, such as, but not limited to, CDs, floppy disks, etc, without the written permission of Dave Waters and Neil Manke. * Property * The custom textures/skins/graphics/code/sounds used in this map are the property of their respective authors and are NOT to be used in any other add-ons levels/paks/etc.. without the permission of the appropriate authors. For more information contact Black Widow Games at www.planethalflife.com/manke Half Life is a registered trademark of Valve Software. Use of this software is at your own risk.