=================================================================================== DATE: October 19, 1999 =================================================================================== Title(s) : Haunted Keep Files : hauntedk.bsp , hauntedk.jrf Author : Stephen Smart Email Address : quantumsaint@yahoo.com Revised Version : October 19, 1999 Original Date of release: April 15, 1999 Description : Newer version of haunted.bsp... Darker and better R_SPEEDS for smoother play. =================================================================================== --ADDITIONAL CREDITS-- Playtesters: David, Darrell, David, Pat ========================================================================================= --PLAY INFORMATION-- Game : Half-Life Level Name : Haunted Keep Files : hauntedk.bsp Single Player : No Cooperative : No DeathMatch : Yes MAP # of PLAYERS : 2-6 Difficulty Settings : No Platform(s) used : P200mmx 32MB mem and AMD K6 300 64MB mem Known bugs : None that I know of... please let me know if you find any. New sounds/textures/entities : NO ============================================================================================ =========================================================================================== --LOADING INFORMATION-- Download, unzip, and put the .BSP file in your c:\sierra\half-life\valve\maps directory (your drive letter may be different). Its that easy...Done --Revision notes-- This is a completely new version that addresses some of the speed and lighting problems from the first version. I have removed the DYNAMIC LIGHTING from the map (fire flicker and pulse light teleport). Lightening still works. Hopefully, overall the map is a little darker for the mode set. The water is no longer tranparent for VIS reasons. I have also included a JUMBOT ROUTE FILE (jrf). The bots seem to have a hard time getting out of tyhe water in some areas (sorry). If this map needs a better route (Im no expert on jrf) then you might try some of the JRF sites on the internet... most do requests (very cool)! --Additional Notes-- This is the revision of the first map (haunted.bsp) I made for HL. ============================================================================================ --LEGAL-- This Half-Life maps/level (Haunted Keep (hauntedk.bsp) is (c) 1999 Stephen Smart. DO NOT put this level on any sort of commercial product or compilation. You MAY distribute this BSP file through any other means, provided you include this .txt file (unaltered) and it is free of charge. Do not modify this BSP.