-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tomorrow Land - Goldrush -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install: goldrush.bsp and goldrush.txt >>-----> valve/maps the rests >>-----> valve/gfx/env (if you dont have that dirictory then create it) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the map... Goldrush the third map in my hldm-serie called TomorrowLand and a total convertion of my first Destiny map also called goldrush (more info about the Destinymod at www.destinymod.com). The layout is quite easy, the weapons is placed so a player have to be on the run...you`ll find the longjump in the castle. I have tried to keep rspeeds down but im afraid it goes over 800 in one little area, but still i think that the rspeeds are good in the rest of the map(around 400-500) This map has some quite opend areas so the best weapons is RPG, X-bow and Magnum. I have a secret little room where the Gluon is placed, to get up there you must swim up an waterfall, NOTE: all waterfalls arent climable...but you are can still climb up using the ladders if you by mistake fall down in the water... ...and I wont tell you where the secret one is! - - - Items: Weapons - Many Items - Many Misc - 3 teleports (one secret) - - - Credists: ...Not many, but thoose who has helped me knows it! Ionic - ComSet :D And a big HUG goes out to the Destinymod team *hug* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any questions should be mailed to me: peppe@pihl.as - - - NOTE: I have a website, but I havent updated it for months...so if you want to find out more about my maps or just have a little chatt then visite me on irc; #mapcore or #planethalflife on Gamesnet. If you still wanna se my homepage: http://www.geocities.com/sorry_m8/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------