Title : "DM Twist" Filename : dmtwist.bsp Author : Poor Yurik (John Attea) Other lvls by author : None as of yet. Email address : jattea@millbrook.org yak@netaxis.com (during holidays and summer) your safest bet -- email both. Home page : www.netaxis.com/~yak/levels (Coming Soon) Description : An industrial factory where people come to die. Additional Credits to : *Valve Pimpware *Autolycus, for his endless help (halflife.gamedesign.net) *The people who sat behind me while I worked for hours on end. (Law, Rob, Karl) *Karl for letting me throw ideas at him *Conrad, who convinced me to toss out the ugly initial green "stack"-like (GoldenEye) textures on the first compile. Single Player : Yes! Walls not in DM, and a few fun fights. Deathmatch Player : 2-6 (8?), 16 actual start points. I originally intended it to be a 1 on 1 map that would get buckwild with 4 or more. Apparently, this level was destined for mass carnage. Difficulty Settings :N/A New Textures :No CD Track :No * Construction * Base :Original Conception and Build. Editor(s) used :Worldcraft v2 Compile Machine :P200, 64Mb Ram. Compile time :2 hours ================================================================ ::: ADDITIONAL INFO ::: ================================================================ This is my first completed brush-tech map ever ******I made this map with all my brightness settings in-game on max, hence darkness, unless you do the same. I spent alot of time making the lighting look soft and natural on THOSE settings.*********** there is one crafty secret in the level. (batteries galore) I know the skull from Hamlet is yorick. I'm a different skull skull altogether :-) ps thanks to: *Anyone who spent the time to d/l this, i luv ya *Bungie for Marathon -- the game that to this day, still inspires me) *Marilyn Mongoose, Redman, Korn, Tool, Rammstein, and all the other music that made this level possible. *Immortal, for the now defunct Pointless Audio, the best RA show that will ever be. *www.llamaweb.com for all the free pr0n Twist, Twist, Twist, Twist, Twist, Twist, Twist, Twist.....Twist. ~X~: fixed some render modes. * Copyright / Permissions * -Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. -You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. -This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.