Title : DM Room Release Date : 3-3-99 Filename : dmroom.bsp Author : Hoju The Great a.k.a. Mike Byrne Email Address : mbyrne@flash.net Description: 4 to 8 Players Build Time: 5 Days Medium Size Editor: WC 2.0 1,457 Solids Tested on: AMD K6 2 400 8,748 Faces 128mb SDRAM 95 Point Entities Voodoo Banshee 19 Solid Entities OpenGl 800x600 The title says it all, DeathMatch Room. An open room with a total of 4 layers including a sub-layer and the ground floor. A player can move around very quickly and can go from the sub level to the 3rd floor within seconds. The weapons can be found in the windows of the 2nd and 3rd floors, in the middle of the walkways, and in the four corners of the ground floor. Most of the more powerful weapons are found higher up. The Gluon Gun rests in the middle of the ground floor on an elevated platform; 8 laser beams surround it capable of taking off 800 health per second. There is a switch in yellow section that will deactivate the power to the main lights and to the lasers. I have made several ledges the revolve around the sides for sniping, grenading, and snatchel bombing. The map is most fun with 8 players... anymore than that, caos would break loose and you couldn't go five seconds without someone with a shotgun poping up at every turn. I designed this map to be a map where you can't camp, and have to keep on moving continuously. With a lot of people, there is never a dull moment.