================================================================ Title : The Black Mesa Club Filename : club.bsp Author : Jason Erskine Handle : The Hermit Email Address : jason.erskine@virgin.net Description : A nightclub with dancefloor, private dance areas, balcony, cloakroom, DJ box and mamagers office. Thanks to : Valve for making Half-Life. My girlfriend Pippa for her support and suggestions, even though I didn't know how to do most of them! ================================================================ ++ Play Information ++ Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : Nope New Sounds : No matey New Graphics : A few. New Monsters : No No New Demos : No New Models : You guessed it, none of these either :) ++ Construction ++ Base : New level Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 2.1 Known Bugs : None. Build Time : Few months! ++Other Stuff++ Comments : I don't know how well this plays during a true deathmatch, as I've only been able to test it on my own and with the JumBot. So if you have any comments, TELL ME! Story : The Black Mesa Club is the only nightspot the scientists and security guards can get to. Unfortunately someone seems to have been determined to start trouble, why else would all those weapons be lying around? Could it be the mysterious Administrator is up to something yet again? Installation : Unzip with paths to C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve or were-ever your installed Half-Life\valve dir is. Eg. On my system it would be D:\Games\Half-Life\valve You should now find in the valve dir, club.wad and club.txt (this file) Plus, in the valve\maps dir, club.bsp Now go play! ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may feel free to use this level as a base to build additional levels or continuations of the level. You are free to distribute and decompile the file for your own level use. If you feel there are parts of the level that are cool please add them to your own levels. If you plan on doing anything cool with floater please e-mail me so I can have a look. However, If the level buggers up your mind or computer or whatever I accept no responsibility. That is valve's fault.