================================================================ Title : Tension Version : 1.0 Release Date : July 29th,2000 Filename : apohldm13.bsp Author : Florian 'Apocalypso' Halbritter : apo@planethalflife.com Web Page : http://www.planethalflife.com/apo Description : Half-Life Deathmatch Map designed for the German Mapper 2000 Contest Other levels by author : APOHLDM1 - Rage Central APOHLDM2 - The Epsilon Base APOHLDM3 - No place to hide APOHLDM4 - Face your Fate APOHLDM5 - En Garde APOHLDM6 - Riposte APOHLDM7 - Touche (not released so far) APOHLDM8 - The Alpha Complex APOHLDM9 - Diabolic APOHLDM10 - Temple of Stars APOHLDM11 - Towers of Orion APOHLDM12 - Midnight Madness AS_GHETTO - Escape from da Ghetto (Counter-Strike) (go to www.planethalflife.com/apo to download them) ================================================================ --- Play Information --- Game : Half Life Level Name : Tension Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Known bugs : - --- Construction --- Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 2.1 Construction Time : 8 weeks Installation ------------ Unzip the file apohldm13.bsp into your ...\sierra\halflife\valve\maps directory Just a few tips... ------------------ (1) When going for the RPG there are two ways to pick up the gun without being killed by the slime surrounding it. The first one is very simple: Just be sure to have full health and some armor on and then run through the slime as quickly as you can. The second one: First go for the long jump module. Using this module you can get from the platform with the RPG on it to the ladder without getting nearly any damage. (2) The hornetgun is a pretty effective weapon in this map. But be aware of snipers when picking it up! (3) refers to (2): Try to kill those bastards going for the hornetgun with the crossbow. A good sniping position may be on the sniper roof on the opposite side of the valley. (4) Although the gauss was weakened in the latest HL version it's still a pretty effective weapon and furthermore it's pretty easy to get.... so.... (5) Keep your ears open! Oftenly sounds (footsteps) tell you where your opponents are... Special Thanx to... ------------------- Gustavo [DRS]Orpheus Panic TTJ Copyright / Permissions ----------------------- This level is copyrighted by Florian Halbritter,2000.