================================================================ Name : Alien Colony 2 (this time with the correct spelling) Version : 1.0 Date : 21/02/01 Dateiname : aliencolony2.bsp Autor : Sam 'Fragmeister' Robinson : rubub@thefreeinternet.co.uk Web Page : None as yet. Description : Half-Life Deathmatch Map. Sequel to Alien Collony. Based on the Aliens movies. The purpose for making this map was to improve on the heavily flawed Alien Colony. The previous flaws were, bad weapon placement and the fact the level was made up of long corridors with no cover or anything. I have improved on both of these aspects. I have kept the map dark to capture the atmosphere of the Aliens films. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE DARK! : Turn out the lights before you play this map. It will enhance the atmosphere of the level AND make it easier to see! ================================================================ --- Infomation --- Game : Half Life Level-Name : Alien Colony 2 Single player : Nope Cooperative : Nope Deathmatch : Yeah! New sounds : No. New textures : No. New models : No. I did include two Alien player models (an Alien and a Marine) in the first Alien Colony zip file, plus the Aliens pulse rifle. Why on Earth haven't you downloaded it yet!? --- Design Information --- Level editor : WorldCraft 3.3 Construction : 4 days. Whoo! Didn't take me that long, but it I'm on holiday right now, and I've been spending every spare moment I have on it. Installation ------------ Simply extract aliencolony2.bsp to you "...\halflife\valve\maps" directory. Tips... ------- (1) There aren't that many secrets in this map, just a detailed small deathmatch map. Simple deathmatch fun. The only secret I can remember putting in is that there is a egon gun on top of the APC in the big garage/depot room. My other map, "The Seventh Base" that was never released due to it never compiling (it was made for the Planet Half-Life mapping competition) had several secrets in it and I am, to this day, trying to figure out why it won't compile. People I'd like to thank... ------------------------------ Valve software The Jam. I listened to them quite a bit while making this map! ID Software for creating the Quake engine. It's pretty good! Final word/Legal information ------------------------------------ This map may be distributed across the internet and that. It may NOT be used for commercial uses. If any of you people working on Alien mods and the like want to use the map, email me first. Enjoy it. Send me feedback: rubub@thefreeinternet.co.uk. I WILL be making an Alien Colony 3, so send me your ideas and things you would like to see feature in it. Look out for my next map. It's called Pallid Valley. It will be for CS. Play this map in the dark, remember!