================================================================ Title : Headcase's Hideout Date : 30th May 1999 Filename : Hideout.bsp Author : Andrew "Headcase" Chadwick Email Address : andrew@aynsleyterrace.freeserve.co.uk Home Page : Not yet.... Description : This is a fairly militaristic map designed for small to medium battles. The layout is based around a few small buildings, with a sewer system running along one side of the map. This is the first map I have ever published, so if you like what you see or find a bug, E-MAIL ME!!!! I designed this map to cater for a number of playing styles - Close quarter attacks, Machine gun blasting, explosives, Sniping - all are equally effective. I tried to keep the r_speeds low. They are around 600 (!) in one outdoor spot (I apologise to people with slower PCs) but this is the slowest point in the level. You're going to have to take my word that this doesn't spoil the gameplay as there really is only about 2 square metres of ground with this slow speed. Honest... (perhaps the guys at radium will back me up on this....) It's also worth mentioning that the metal door that gives the "Access Denied" sound is purely decorative - so don't mail me asking how to open it..... :) Enjoy! Additional Credits to : i) My crack team of Beta testers - Matthew "Captain Chaos" Errington, Tim "Buckshot" Chadwick and Simon "Nutter" Chadwick. ii) Valve and ID Software iii) Radium ... excellent mapping site (www.planethalflife.com/radium) ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Deathmatch : 2 - 8 (ish) Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : From scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 2.0 Known Bugs : None Build Time : About a week, on and off. Compile machine : K6-2 350MHz, 128Mb RAM QBSP Time : 20 seconds QVIS Time : 2 minutes QRAD Time (extra) : 8 minutes * Permissions * You may NOT sell this level for money or use it as a base for additional levels. It may be distributed only with this file and without any modifications. This map may only be distributed on the internet and/or BBS systems. Any other forms of distribution require my EXPRESS PERMISSION.